30% useful information

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    Read The Information instead
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    Better than Medium. Sometimes the header image is so massive that the article doesn't even show up on my 4k monitor without scrolling down.
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    Maximize screenspace to appreciate monuments to slavery and hereditary monarchy 😎
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    @SortOfTested Yeah, I was wondering about the Pyramids. What are they for? What do they mean? Why are they in an article about the Serverless Framework?

    I guess it's better than yet another stock image of HTML, but still...
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    @EmberQuill it's medium, the images are either random, or kinda horrible meme like stuff.
  • 1
    @N00bPancakes yeah, the only reason I ended up on Medium was because I didn't notice the URL of a Google search result. I wouldn't have gone to that website otherwise.
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    Who the fuck surf without Adblock in 2020 lmao
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    @EmberQuill I find medium better.
    You see instantly the title and scroll to the rest. Don't have to check or search for the actual content. Need to scroll is not a crime. Above the fold is a myth.

    I agree that it needs to be far more subtle on 4k though.
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    @uyouthe because without ads then there will be more paywalls?
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    @RinseAndRepeat because I have the right to choose what I want to see and what I don’t, and the argument of “but don’t visit the website then” is invalid
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    @uyouthe oh no of course you do. I'm just pointing out that if everybody did that it's likely to push content creators towards paywall models.
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    @RinseAndRepeat so what? There is nothing wrong with supporting a creator you like. On an unrelated note, we took down StarForce.
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    @uyouthe oh yeah agreed. Not sure what you mean about StarForce?
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    @RinseAndRepeat when that mofos invent a problem we invent a solution
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    Just shoot them an email saying users are more important than ads and you would receive the most polite "fuck off" in response.
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