I couldn’t think of a quote to do, so decided to do a function instead. Duff’s device! (You know, in case you ever wanted a scenario where fall through in a switch makes sense)

  • 13
    Your indentation makes me cry
  • 4
    "The higher you soar, the smaller you appear to those who cannot fly"

    Nietzsche is a good source for quotes
  • 0
    I cannot discern what language that is.
  • 1
  • 1
    wHy tHe hEll aRe yOu uSing REGISTER for eVeRy VaRiAbLe? Poor compiler lol

    Still, the writing looks nice tho.
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx it's calligraphy, one of the best languages right now 😺
  • 1
    @Bybit260 fuck, it has a register keyword?!
  • 0
    That probably is the only way to make C code look good.
  • 0
    So... you like calligraphy?
  • 0
    Looks more like hate to me. She used it for writing C code after all...
  • 1
    I love you guys. You’re great. I actually like C, though. It’s one of my favorite languages, though I prefer not having to do manual garbage collection and memory allocation. Learning Go atm, and am enjoying it so far. :)

    I copied the indentation from the source I used for the code, that’s not the indentation I would generally use. ;)

    Though I like that it’s an example of a time where fall-through is actually useful! (Relatedly, I really like that fall-through isn’t possible without specifically using a fallthrough keyword in Go).
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx Yeah, the register keyword keeps variables on registers. But you have to have a real reason to do so. The compiler takes charge of register allocation by itself.
  • 0
    This is impressive, but also why??
  • 0
    Can I buy your Hand to sell a font?
  • 0
    @010001111 That depends... is the aforementioned hand still attached to my person?
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