
I just gave a 20 minute presentation in front of fifty people, and apparently did well enough that I got five private compliments afterwards, including one from the vice president. 🥳

And all of that without a single drop of rum!

  • 3
    congrats 👌🏻🥳
  • 21
    Congrats on not dropping the rum!
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    Imagine the promotion a nice ballmer peak would have gotten you 😘
  • 1
    @SortOfTested I did have some limoncello right before. Maybe that’s why it went so well 🤔
  • 0
    Sound like your a straight shooter with upper management written all over her.
  • 11
    @N00bPancakes Screw that. I’ve been in management before; while I’m good at it, I don’t like it. I like code, not people. People are unreliable.
  • 4
    @Root Amen. I've seen way too many good folks promoted out of roles they are great at .... into non fitting roles.

    Being good at a thing is not the same as managing people / things related to it.
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    I envy you! Congratz.
  • 0
    Congratulations! Sounds extremely stressful. What was the presentation about, if you’re allowed to tell? I hope it’s a petition to burn the existing codebase you’re clearly suffering from...
  • 1
    50 is a lot
    I cap out at 20, 30 will make me dizzy , at 50 i pee my pants

    Good work!! 👍🏻
  • 0
    Virtual meeting room?
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    When I started reading this I was like oh another green dot junior dev story, but then I saw the word “rum” and immediately figured out the author
  • 2
    @donuts Yes. Entire engineering department, product team, sales, upper management, execs, ...
  • 1
    I do not mean to piss on your parade, great job, impressive and all that!
    Was the presentation an introduction to Microsoft Excel?
    I feel like that is something the higher ups would appreciate at that level :)
  • 0
    @Mislead 😛

    ReCaptcha gem wrapper. Allows different recaptcha versions and settings per page (and global fallback settings), and changing all of these on the fly across all servers. Presentation included configuration, how the fallback worked, the boilerplate, error handling, etc. I made it basically impossible for anyone to fuck it up, and it would log the specific details if they managed it.
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