
I'm stuck with a (very) junior developer.
He doesn't understand requirements, why we are doing this and not that.
Today, I asked for a merge request to implement filters on research.
Maybe in one or two weeks ...

Don't forget, everything gonna be alright. 🤲 Or maybe, will I kill him before?

  • 7
    I think it's a good thing as a junior to ask why something is done a certain way. That way you can understand the reasoning. Also I think more senior devs should make some time to help the juniors on their way...
  • 7
    Waiting for the corresponding inverse rant...
  • 3
    @Rambolus I'm helping him few hours a day, everyday (except today where I was working from home). I want to see his progress and set him ready for next step in his professional life.

    But sometimes, brr, gonne kill him.
  • 2
    @Alyve ah okay didn't catch that from your rant 😅 and of course there are days you wanna put him out behind the wallpaper then just say come back tomorrow 😉
  • 1
    @Rambolus That's why I was in my home today. 😂
  • 3
    How junior are we talking here? 1 year? Experience or age?
  • 3
    @electrineer Just out of the womb
  • 0
    @electrineer He doesn't have any experience as developer, no one. ^^

    But he'll be great, I hope.
  • 0
    He told you... you would get a pull request in two weeks?

    What did you say to that, strangeness?

    Two weeks is way too long to not know what a given noob is doing....
  • 0
    @N00bPancakes He tooks 2 weeks to implement sign up. 😬
  • 1
    If you have to constantly spend that much time with him (and not just for a week or so), you're basically being his half time personal tutor. Someone like that, harsh as it sounds, simply isn't ready for a workplace environment - they need to study (either self study or traditional study) to a point where they can do at least some useful work within a week or two of starting.
  • 0
    @Alyve ooooh , ouch.

    I don't believe interviews tell anyone much but... you hope you could identity someone like that, somehow, before they're hired.
  • 2
    So does he not understand the current requirements or does he not understand the concept of requirements? The first one is eh, the second is yikes.
  • 1
    @N00bPancakes He was there before i'm coming
  • 0
    It's a complex situation. How do you feel about him?

    You think he has potential?

    Can you at least see a *spark* somewhere in there?

    Does he like programming or did he just need a job?

    Does he seem interested in a different position or field of work?

    I think if you can answer those questions you'll know if he/she is worth the time :|
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