
I know this question is stupid but, Any roadmap to get job in google or amazon...

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    They are required to hire you if you do The Charleston durring the interview... but you also have to record it and share it online...
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    Why the hell would you want to work there? Are your morals that weak that you would throw them out for a larger salary?
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    @Root Hmmm.... Seems like you have tough experience with them.
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    @SavvyArbitrary “You do this very often” says the person who joined five days ago.

    Let’s put this another way:
    • “I want to work for Facebook!”
    • “I want to work for the cartel!”
    • “I want to be a skeezy lawyer!”

    These are all just as bad.
    If someone said any of these were their dream, I would call them out on their lack of morals, too.
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    - Get skills
    - Get to know people on the inside

    You'll need both if you're not coming straight out of college.
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    @Frederick I prefer “the misanthropic bane of idiots” as an epithet.
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    Git gud scrub
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    Achieve GDE status, the remaining part is trivial
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    I’m done wasting time on you.

    Your statements often don’t make sense, are often blatantly wrong assumptions, and every time you can’t win an argument, you just ignore it and/or delete the thread.
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    Look, you've been on about this for the better part of a week. You don't want to hear it, but the facts are:

    - the average course at a community college is 3 hours a week lecture, plus 3 for study/homework, usually closer to 1.5
    - you get 3 credit hours per class, 4 for lab courses
    - assuming 1 lab course out of 5 courses, that's 16 credit hours vs the 12 you get from the cert program
    - most legitimate universities don't accept all transfer credits, and will refuse to grant credit from online certification programs, so counting on those being usable is a mistake.

    As for the A+ cert. You should be able to pass both exams with 3 weeks of nightly cramming. I did so at 15, along with a CCNA. It's trivial, and the exams primarily test your knowledge of the material, not your actual knowledge. Millions of people have that cert, it's not an asset.

    Lastly, this community's membership is primarily professional engineers. We are uninterested in entry level IT drudgery certs and will encourage people to obtain skills and education relevant to engineering, not skilled labor. Posting entry level IT drone training borders on offensive.

    The companies they "connect you to" are primarily Indian sweatshops and hourly-labor W-2 holding orgs that will underpay you, provide little to no benefits and never promote you. It's a dead end course, for dead end jobs.
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    🍿 sorry, I'm here for the comments.
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    I think I've made a huge mistake by asking this question..😀
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    @M1sf3t Yeah, but the question was just out of curiosity!
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    @M1sf3t It seems you've much experience with such type of huge tech companies, Right?
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    @M1sf3t Yes, there are two forces, Googlers and Anti-googlers lol, just kidding. Anyway thanks bro.
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    I mean, I worked there. I console myself by sleeping on piles of money and not giving a fuck 🤷‍♀️
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    @SortOfTested you worked there I mean you were the employee of that company?
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    @M1sf3t I've also heard that people left such type of organisations, but I never questioned enough regarding the reason..
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    Both of those "that company", in fact.
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    @SortOfTested then I guess you've got bunch of experience. Aaaaaand I think you can get in any organisation you want.
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    Most likely. I'm running a startup though. That's the usually trajectory. Get in, get contacts, get cash, get out, seed something.
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    Google/alphabet is a monstrously large company. If you're rank and file in search, android, keyboard, stadia etc, sucks to be you. There's hundreds if not thousands of incubated, research and side project teams you've never even heard of that aren't part of the marketing, search and sales org. That's where the fun is.

    Amazon, I enjoyed more, but it's far more corporate and profit driven than what Google was when I was there. I never felt like I was under a gun there, while Amazon is more like a game of clue where everyone is the murderer.
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    @SortOfTested It seems scaryyy
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    Scary? Not to me, but I will say that if you have any doubts as to whether or not you'll cut it, you're right.

    It's a-game every day, without fail, or you'll get walking papers fast. Your contribution is measured on a moment by moment basis.
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    @SortOfTested This means if they feel you are useless, they'll fire you asap.
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    @M1sf3t Nope😋
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    @M1sf3t hmmm, I always thought that working in such companies would be honor...I was wrong from the very first lol
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    @M1sf3t thanks for the clarification...You got a very nice observation though.
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    @M1sf3t Do you mind if I ask you what is your age?
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