
The black lives matter poster from USSR. It says “First day in ku klux school”, that’s the play on “first day of school” Russian idiom “первый раз в первый класс”. In Russian it’s a rhyme.

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    What's the subtext of the image? It says something metaphorically, but I'm not sure what.
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    @SortOfTested it says “first day in ku klux school”, I explained the content of that in the rant itself. It also contains the author of that poster as its second line
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    @FrodoSwaggins it’s the Cold War poster. USSR was often bashing USA for all that “colored/white” everyday racism and other things like that
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    @M1sf3t I know but USSR was really exploiting everything they could to bash USA
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    Context, not content 😘 the meaning as it were.
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    @SortOfTested oh, my greasy cheetos fingers. Scuse me
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    Kind of off topic, but guys how I love this font 👍😎
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    What does it mean to you from the experience of being Russian😋 I actually would like to know, see how interpretation differs.
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    @SortOfTested we have a funny rhyme from soviet kids books in our culture – “первый раз в первый класс”, (“first day of school huh”). it has some kind of ironic meaning but also used literally to cheer up kids. Also you can say that when somebody at work messes up badly. So that poster plays on that and that’s kind of funny and also dissonant with what kkk actually is
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