Which is the git client you use at your work?

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    @reflexgravity The ones I tried kinda suck. We have GitEye, but I hardly use it.
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    CLI, guis are for suckers
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    I tried gitkraken, it's pretty useful.
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    Fork, better than gitkraken
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    Used to use gitkraken until it gave me the finger with non-paid limitations

    and now - git-scm
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    @netikras Yeah. That's why I switched to SmartGit. The merge tool is bad. Instead I use the vs-code merge tool.
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    @010001111 I use Linux. I don't think they have one for linux.
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    Terminal all the way. Mainly use "git" and "tig".
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    Cli, but diff with vsCode.

    Git diff is painful
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    git cli with vscode for diff
    GitLens on VSCode
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    GitKraken until their limitations stunt. Tower on Windows until their even worse "mandatory update and now it's paid only lol" stunt. Seriously, fuck Tower. SourceTree is bearable.

    Nowadays IntelliJ's built-in Git client and the original CLI + kdiff3 occasionally. IntelliJ knows how to merge correctly. It's almost magical.
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    Visual Studio every time.
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    Git cli. Terminal master race.
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    90% of the time -> cli
    10% of the time... when really lazy... -> vscode... don’t judge me!
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    Mostly CLI. Meld for merges.
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    Fork (best GUI I've tried so far) and CLI.
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    SmartGit. I tried Sourcetree but didn't like it, so I decided to buy SmartGit.
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    CLI and the occasional GitHub desktop
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    simple things like checkout, pull, push through cli. Everything else like, merge, squash, commit through Intellij
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    cli on linux fir simple stuff. sublime merge for merge conflicts and rebase, times when I need to see the log graph or need to resolve diffs. On windows I used GitExtension but if I were to code on windows I might go with sublime too because I can script and configure the hell out of it.
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    Command line, mostly.

    But I prefer a GUI for adding files and handling merges. vsCode does the job.

    I’ve occasionally used gitKraken to peek at stashes.
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    CLI for anything but merges that are larger than 4 files. Then I just open in any editor.
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