
Atom vs Sublime vs VS Code vs Brackets. What do you use?

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    Sublime is quicker but Atom is open source
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    coda by panic. I work on Mac and do web work so it's the perfect fit (for me).
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    VS Code!
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    I like Atom but I prefer Sublime. Had to change back after Atom kept crashing on large files.
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    Brackets is far superior than at least two mentioned here 😏
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    Atom. But I like Brackets too, so I use it sometimes. It's so hard to commit to using one consistently.
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    VS Code that Shit is fancy
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    Vim or CLion
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    Notepad++ & vim
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    Atom always
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    Sublime cause it's fast. But for anything that is not a script or little program always a full IDE.
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    Atom is love, but Vim.
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    Atom is just a better version of sublime. Get the plugin "script" and you're all set. Having said that, I use Vim.
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    VS Code! I've used Sublime for a long time. Then tried Atom for a few weeks and landed at vscode. Somehow Microsoft managed to create an editor on Electron that is faster and more stable than Atom... Which is from the creators of Electron o.O
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    VS Code.
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    IntelliJ for the win
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    Originally UltraEdit then switched to Notepad++ then switched to Vim then switched to Sublime...

    Sublime is the best so far hands down. If I think of a feature it likely already has it and implemented it very intuitively with a nice gui too...but not at the expense of hot keys and customizability!
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    @Letmecode you aint welcome around these parts
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    I'm assuming most here on this thread are web developers. :D
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    @dfox considering how much people post these informal polls in the tools people use, you should probably add something like "ides / text editors" to our profiles, and then make some kind of chart available showing how it breaks down across users.
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    Sublime when using windows( cause atom is a bit of a ram hog and it causes lag), but Atom when using Linux.
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    Atom all the way!
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    @uziiuzair Good on you saying most of and not everybody 😂.

    Lately I've been doing a lot of WebDev, but usually I develop in Java or some Python, that's why I use IntelliJ, it has support for each language I use and even though it's heavy on resources, justifies it's godly good code autocomplete.

    But don't mind me, I'm also a user of Sublime, but mostly for Markdown editing (Sublime + Pandoc = No Word on my PC!), Vim for SSH file editing (and lately when working with files on an ArchLinux chroot on my android phone).

    So, it all boils down to whatever suits your needs, isn't it?
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    @apex it's 2016. People mind when you assume things 😂
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