React is overrated! There! I said it!

  • 1
    What is the main reason? I heard good things.
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    So what is good then Angular, Vue?
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    @Jumpshot44 I'm not saying that it is a bad framework by any means, but it certainly isn't the framework that fixes all the problems there have ever been or like it is the best thing ever like so many claim it to be.

    A lot of devs I know just build everything with it, even the simplest of pages, creating a lot of bloat and causing difficulties where they never existed.

    React is good for apps that have a lot of data changing all the time. You don't need it if you're just building a static page. Creating content transitions becomes ridiculously difficult to do, even when using libraries for that.

    Good old vanilla JS or a few smaller libraries still do the job much better a lot of the time.
  • 5
    @pptp they all have their shortcomings. If you must use a framework, you need to see what is better suited for the project.
  • 52
    Don't you think you're over-reacting? 😂
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    @tekhouse lol had to scroll too far for this 😂😂
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    I feel ya, no one looks at simplicity anymore, Vue.js is a much better choice when compared to Angular or React, its simple and easy to get started.
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    Not to worry, there will be the next hot shit front end framework to rant about soon enough
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    React isn't really a framework either.

    I certainly think it does a good job at replacing html in modern web app dev
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    Until you need to animate things, and then it just becomes a pain in ass. Vue seems to do animations much better.
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    Go 4 the vue
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    @yduman had a few glimpses, and I like what I see
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    React is proof that there are at least two kinds of developers. Those on the bandwagon and those who build bandwagons
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    Not sure how to React to this rant... ^_^
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    What's wrong with some good old jquery?
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    @mocrosoft jQuery served its purpose, but to me now it's just bloat.
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    @harambae will have a look. Right now I'm using Vue on a project. Had a few issues with SSR because of the async route guards and use of libraries that only work in the browser, but now that I sorted those problems I'm really enjoying it.
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  • 6
    React was built to solve Facebook problems. A lot of people would like to have the same problems that facebook do I guess.
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    I am with you. The biggest issue for me, it forces you to code everything the react way, doesn't even feel like coding, it's boilerplating most of the time. I did a couple react projects, it's possible to build things with it, but I personally can't stand this framework and all the hype. Looks like there's no way around it, if you wanna get a job or something.
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    react is so fucking annoying as soon your project comes to stage over time... angular on the other hand has more elegant approach for a modular business application.
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    @RinseRepeat I completely agree. React is only for data-driven apps.
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    React is a useless peace of digital shit turning dev's into zombies touched with Stockholm syndrom. Version 18 and their community is still struggling to do basic async stuff. UseCallback... Oh my. Oh right, it must be front webdev reserved to genius only. Sure. Yes i am a hater because i Hate this pile of crap. 💩😆
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    @kostra I respect another hater
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