First thing when using a new IDE... Find and enable dark mode.

  • 6
    I always do this 😀
  • 11
    My eyes would be burned to a crisp within a week without it....
  • 11
    Welcome to devVamp 👻
  • 10
    I just don't see how people can use a complete white background on everything.
    I need it to be dark.
  • 15
    I don't understand why light theme is still default on anything for developers.
  • 3
    Always and not just for IDE also for anything else, I have a dark theme in all the apps of my mobile 👻
  • 4
    @Linusero MacOS, Twitter and DevRant are all in dark mode indeed!
  • 8
    A light background is the root of all evil
  • 7
    No but I mean, why aren't IDEs dark by default? Shouldn't the devs creating the IDEs know that? The recursive situation here confuses me
  • 4
    I use blue light filters so white is ok with my eyes. But I still use dark layouts (love darcula) as iy looks better.
  • 3
    @aralum Darcula Theme
  • 4
    @Swifticus I think Sublime Text and Atom both have dark themes as default.
  • 2
    @mephist0 - True. VS Code is also dark by default. Seems like they're making progress on this front.
  • 2
    Could be that the developers of these IDEs use Emacs haha
  • 4
    I tried the light mode once, since then I am known as Daredevil.
  • 2
    SQL Server Management Studio doesn't have a dark mode... You have to import one in using themes. =(
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