Who did you guys inherit your programming skills from?

Neither of my parents are skilled with computers, and my dad can barely turn them on. My grandfather was an IBM programmer, but he died before I was ever interested in computers. While he didn't have time to physically get me interested in them, I think that's how it got into my blood.

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    Prob my dad he doesnt do programming but he makes things using electronics and such. He made a cnc mill.
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    mom, she was always good at using computers and really pushed for me to always have one available.

    Second is my grandfather, there are many doctors and lawyers or just businessmen in my fam, but my grandad was an engineer, really wanted me to be an engineer as well.
    Dude was brilliant.
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    @AleCx04 "there are many doctors and lawyers or just businessmen in my fam"

    I don't know why, but I have always been a little curious what it would be like to have such an interesting family. My mother is stay-at-home and my father is a mechanic.

    I think most interesting person is my cousin, an agent for the FBI, but of course, we can't know what he's up to, so it's like a type of interesting where we never get to know *why* it's interesting.
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    @AlgoRythm I like them, they are all pretty normal people. Assholes for the most part, but to family they are nice.
    Always wished I had a fam member that was a mechanic man, would have definitely been a welcomed skill to have since I suck as a mechanic :V do you ever work with your dad and picked up some of them skills?
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    @AleCx04 Yeah I worked with him as a year. Not as a mechanic, obviously, because I have no actual training there. But we both worked at the same dealership and I liked to help him in my spare time.
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    @AlgoRythm I hace been thinking about getting a certification to learn diesel mechanic stuff. It is a pretty lucrative career. Where i live most techs that are good make just as much money as I do as an engineer. Not only that but working with your hands on stuff just makes the hours pass by faster. I was a mechanic for the U.S military and aleays enjoyed it. I was never good at it, but I miss it man. Haha I envy you on that! really do, always wanted for my dad to have a maintenance shop or know about it more cuz to me its so damned interesting
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    My mom has a degree in CS, but she only recently started working in the field. Other than that, I have 3 grandparents who were scientists and engineers ;) though my interest probably came from my mother, when she decided to get back into programming after 12 or so years not in the field.
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    My dad was a programmer, taught me a few lines of vb to get me interested and then gave me a Learn VB in 24 Days book
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    Well from what I've gathered my dad did computers... used to find books and notes on computers from his old stuff
    But he never taught me a thing about computers

    And I was so interested in learning
    And I ended up writing code
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    @C0D4 of the House Devonia,First of His Name, the Unburnt, Master of None skilful of the Spiders, Lord of the Great Best PHP, Breaker of Infinite loops, and Slayer of Scriptkiddies.

    All Hail @C0D4!

    Look, someone had to do it.
    I'm the first in my known line to be anything academic based.
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    The flying spaghetti monster
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    I didn't inherit them because nobody in my family had been into computers before.

    I bought my first computer initially for gaming and a little text processing, but when I realised that I could program it to do anything I wanted once I would have acquired the skills, there was no stopping.
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    I come from a lineage of sheep farmers and boot makers so it's hard to say haha
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    I am the base class.
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    My grandad is good with physics and maths and that's about the closest I have
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    From myself
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    I would have loved to have at least one relative litterate in techy stuff. They are all without a degree not even from high school except 3 who have a degree in philosophy, one in gymnastics and one in English literature.
    And guess who's the one who has to fix all of their Hi-Tech devices?
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    No idea, I just started using Evrsoft First Page, and now I'm JavaScript developer 😂
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    I don't know where I came from, my grand parents were all housewives and farmers. Sometimes I feel like an alien and all of them see me like that since they can't understand any of my interests. But my sister is graduating in biotechnology and she's quite strong in logic and math too, so I guess she has my same alien genes that were hidden somewhere in my parents DNA. My brother on the other hand has not received them and he is interested in just sport and is scared of technology
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    I fell in love with coding when i was in undergrad - about 15 years ago. I always credit my teacher who made it so interesting. My first language was C++. Since then, i have never looked back.
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    My dad has no idea on how pcs work but he had a pc at home back in the times of windows 2 to keep somewhat on track with tech. My mum always got along well with pcs as well and I just grew into it
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    My dad I guess. He always loved computers. He is a mechanical engineer and a nerd so I grew up with a computer at home when people in my country didn't know wtf computers did. Naturally, as a kid who never did anything remotely fun, computers and books were it. We are probably the only two engineers in the family. My mum has a head full of numbers tho and will succeed at any business. All uncles and aunts are losers plus one lawyer. (just realised how unimpressive my family is 😔)
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    Literally the first programmer in my family. Everyone else sold stuff or were doctors or some shit and none of them know how to use a computer.

    I've contemplated death multiple times with every time I get asked to fix the computer.
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    No one. First of my name.
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