Hey, guys!

I'm new here and I want to introduce myself and meet you too.

My name is Mariana, I'm 21 years old and I live in Brasilia, capital of Brazil.

I'm a beginer in the world of development and I joined on this community to know more about this world. I am currently studying js, react and react native, but I am passionate about database, in the future I want to work with data science.

And you? Feel free to introduce yourself too! :)

  • 5
    You should look into this program:

    Interest is key, but a degree with a strong fundamentals emphasis on math are necessary to pursue data science.
  • 3
    @Jilano a green dot.. and you didn't invite me 🙁

    Welcome to our small corner of the webs.
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    Exactly 10 years ago I also started programming. I started with the web basics HTML, CSS and Javascript. This helps you to understand how it all works. Meanwhile I am programming full-time in all kinds of languages, including PHP, python, golang, react, vue and some other languages.

    Have fun and greetings to Brazil
  • 5
    Welcome to our own little shithole :)
  • 7
    Hello Mariana! Folks here are awesome - Smart, helpful, teasing, raging, depressed, happy, annoyed, scary, scared, etc. Just your overall Pandora's box. It's fun to be here! Welcome to DevRant!
  • 3
    Hello Mariana!

    I'm Linuxxx, in my 20's, studied software development but got a Linux job right after that and am working as a cybersecurity engineer now.

    As you'll see on here, I'm very privacy/security conscious and I don't like closed source things much.

    Welcome to this awesome place!
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    @Jilano 🤔 @rutee07 must have my phone again,
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    Some of them folks are obsessed with correctness of the rant tags.
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    Welcome to the best community ever™!
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    @uyouthe that cat is pretty random, i let it slide 😎
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    Drop all your dev frustrations here and @rutee07 will have the perfect sexual innuendo to go with it.
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    @rutee07 OMFG!!! hahaha
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    Me too! A Messed Up newbie!

    Got no proper aim though, but trying to be a dev too.

    So hoping to rant together!
  • 0
    @rutee07 @marianadasilva what the hell??????
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