
I ordered an EEG signal decoder from A Dutch company. But it is stuck in Delhi due to the virus. When are they going to allow shipment of non-essentials ?

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    Out of interest, which one is it?
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    Prolly never, you'll get a note from a BJP MP saying there's a better product available from a local company and they recommend you order that one instead. Kindly report the shipment as lost in transit to the vendor. 😋
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    @RememberMe This one...


    I already have the OpenBCI Ganglion Board. That along with the decoder can help me build an SSVEP speller app.
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    @SortOfTested Are you an Indian working at Seattle ? You seem to know a lot about India.
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    I've work with mostly indians, most of my career. Not knowing India and it's politics would be foolish.
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    @SortOfTested Indian politicians are a piece of art. They just love to ban things
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    @SortOfTested I am glad that you have an opinion against the fucking right wing BJP. Many of the Indians in the US are BJP supporters. How did you run away from their influence?.😃.
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    I'm half Jewish, so I readily identify and am naturally turned off by fascism.

    It's not surprising the Indians here are big-time BJP supporters, they're the primary beneficiaries of their policies.
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    @SortOfTested Makes sense. Makes lots of sense.
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    @SortOfTested my company is a well-known supporter of BJP and finances them heavily in elections. They try to force their employees to comply with their “vegetarian-food only” rule on their corporate campus. I’m like wtf ?! I can bring whatever I want in my tiffin. Only after I threatened legal action did they stop bothering me.
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    @SortOfTested They can’t do that legally as India is a secular country, but they try to verbally enforce it—- saying that this is “Ambani’s company” and he doesn’t like Non-Veg food in his campus. I corrected them, saying that this is a publicly traded company, and as of this moment is in a debt of $41 billion which it owes to the government.
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    @srpatil Yea. BJP will not play its cow politics in Kerala, because we love Beef. 🐄🐄.
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    That's rough, but totally in line with BJP bullshit. Pushing religious practices over secular policy is a hallmark of religiofascism, it's only a matter of time before there's enough mass behind it that their version of Hinduism becomes law. They're scarily similar to our far right "constitutional originalists"; they lean on religious power to sway votes, while their only actual goal is to secure their power by rolling the clock back to a time where their societal superiority was canonified in law.
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    @SortOfTested Classic right wing shit. (Insert country name) was great (Insert time) years back. Let us go back to that time and make (Insert country name) great . (Again?).
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