
I really enjoy the clean fresh pollution free air and the quietness at my night walks.

  • 0
    Now if only my allergies would bugger off 😆
  • 9
    @rutee07 doing sports alone is allowed. It’s 2am here in zurich switzerland and I have yet to see a person or a car. It’s like having the world for yourself. It feels surreal like in a dream. I love it!
  • 1
    I went to my uni campus yesterday and this morning. It was weird to be there at 12 without a few thousand people walking down the main walkway.

    It was peacefully quiet outside of the construction
  • 6
    Take walkthrough video now. That video might be worth some money on stock photography and cinematography sites when all this passes.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack fuckin genius lol
  • 2
    Swiss covid19 goverment press confernces are held in german, french and italian. Journalists ask a question in german or french or italian and one of the 7 federal councel answers it in their native language (e.g french). This makes it really challenging to follow. And if a italian speaking federal councel speaks german they regularly ask the journalists for help to find words they’ve forgot in german and vice versa. And everone in the room laughs. 😄
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