
fuck this. I am done. Going iphone. Tired of apps randomly crashing for no fucking reason whatsoever.

  • 11
    Hold up.. is this still April fools? 🥺

    DevRant crashes like a bitch on iOS
  • 1
    @C0D4 I rarely use it on mobile. Normally my interactions are through the web interface 🤷
  • 1
    @M1sf3t interesting, wife's phone seems to always work like a peach no matter what and other than devrant we have the same apps.
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    overall, it's pretty stable. But there are times things go sideways, I won't lie it's not perfect But it's generally fine.

    Currently I'm dealing with what seems to be a memory leak, whole phone locks up and lags making a forced reboot impossible, I've had to let the battery drain twice since ios13.4 updated, but this is my first major issue I've experienced in 10 years, so it's a good track record either way.
  • 1
    @M1sf3t no that sounds like the old iPhone 6/6s issue with faulty batteries 👀 I took mine into Apple, I used to work right near a store, and had the phone replaced the same day, I didn't really count that.

    This is just a frozen phone until the battery finally dies, I'm on Xr now.
  • 1
    @M1sf3t wait a couple of weeks? Are you talking about battery health?
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    @FrodoSwaggins i am surprised as well. I have always liked ios, just so happen to like Android phones....for purely retarded reasons such as aesthetics.
  • 3
    @pythonInRelay what do you mean no Adblock? I use an adblocker on iOS which works across all traffic.


    For some "no frills" is a better experience, I honestly haven't had a need or care in years for the frills, apples eco system covers most of the things you need anyway, and I rarely pay for things, most I pay for is ++ subscription, Spotify and iCloud storage since I have an iPad and the 5GB free or what ever that is anymore isn't enough.
  • 1
    I did it 4 years ago when I stopped being wannabe android hacker and realized no matter what I do still google will own my ass and track my every move.

    Now what, google is releasing data for governments so they can punish you for going out from home.
    Great times.

    Not looking back.
  • 1
    Tbh im thinking about buying an old sony ericsson, the only app i use is telegram, i can just port it to j2me.
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    @FrodoSwaggins While I don't mind iOS THAT much (although I can't stand the interface), the main reason I don't use it is that its closed source.

    I do use android but a custom ROM which doesn't include google shit. (And I require root access as well)

    But luckily a Linux phone (or BSD if they port that) is becoming a reality with the PinePhone and Librem5!
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    @C0D4 On my iOS 13.3.1 devRant app has been crashed twice so far during 1,5 month period of daily usage
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    @pythonInRelay not the first time I use Apple devices, got 3 macbooks at home and 2 ipads. Ain't never haed restrictions in any of them and I don't know wherre you got the no adblock but they do have adblocks.

    For all the times people have talked to me about it freedom of Android etc I have never needed it. I just need for my phones to work.
  • 1
    @norman70688 a lot of the times I open the notifications view, the app closes on me, or of the feed view takes to long to load anything🤷‍♂️

    it's been doing it since iOS12, I've gotten use to it but it's annoying.
  • 0
    @M1sf3t @pythonInRelayi dunno man I use my phone to make calls and watch stupid shit on YouTube and Netflix.

    Legit any other point made here is pretty much null to me. All Android devices have fucked me up every once in a while and I have a major dislike for the Android sdk from my time as a mobile dev. I guess ill see how it goes.
  • 0
    App never crash in 7 years ... How you do that
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    @jak645 what app? who is you talking to my dude?
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    Just use a proper rom?
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    Idk I’ve been using this iOS for a while now but other than the big company apps, there are A LOT of ads which makes sense considering their $99 a year dev fee..... it’s fine for general usage though
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    Also there are loads of UI bugs I’ve found
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    @aggelalex oxygen is not a proper rom?
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    @pandasama interesting, like which ones? my ipad works flawlessly all the time.
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    @AleCx04 it’s in the apps more than the OS itself like WhatsApp, although sometimes my keyboard doesn’t go down properly, text overlaps, Notifications are oddly placed sometimes
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