
How the fuck have I not been using GO!

What bullshit wizardry is this!!!

I think I'm in fucking love!!

Sorry php, it's been a long long relationship, but I think I have a crush on this hamster. 🥰

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    Go as in
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    @kescherRant yes

    @Jilano I'm just working through a crud api at the moment, but who knows, I might actually make something worth while with all this extra time in my day not commuting to work 🙃
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    Go is on my list of languages to look at after I graduate and have the time (along with ruby and rust). Can I ask your opinion on why go is great???
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    The gopher community welcomes you!
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    @Stuxnet it really is that good and simple haha I love it
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    About my only problem with Go is this thus far: Its too manual.there is no Rails, no Laravel, no Django, no Flask for it and whereas there are a couple of libraries(first dude that gives or tries to give me an example of something similar will get corona) that are similar they are just not quite there yet. And there is a reason for it, the language contains damn near everything you need to get started, going and more.BUT this only means that a lot of people will get to do shit differently. Still, minor caveat, the environment is amazing, the language ridiculously simple and the online documentation for it is really complete.
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    @C0D4 "One Of Us", "One Of Us"!
    Look at some libs in the default lib....
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    @AleCx04 frameworkless, that's not really an issue for me, I prefer to learn a language in its raw form before adding frameworks on top. Call me old fashioned.

    @jester5537 I don't know how to explain it, I guess being able to setup an environment in less then an hour, instead of a day or two has helped.

    It's multi paradigm but somehow doesn't follow OOP like we know it, it's got that feeling of being something familiar but at the same time it's not.

    I've typed less code to make an api then I would normally in any other language plus it's not stateless, so coming from stateless languages this "just works" without having to strap a database behind it (although that'll be next) and without the bloated BS nodejs has to handle to do a similar thing.

    I'm sure I'll find some caveats at some point, but so far I'm pleased with it and don't feel like I'm fighting it to make it do things.
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    @C0D4 I dig it but it was not what I was going for :P what I meant by that is that everyone does things their own way. Think of a Node Express project(if you have experience on those) in which damn near no two solutions are alike, or heck man, just our main: php in which no discernible structure is enforced.
    My point is, everyone pretty much does applications in whatever way they think is best, giving it a feeling of fragmentation. Whereas in something like Rails, or Laravel pr Django you don't really have a choice: established conventions.
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    @AleCx04 ah I follow you.
    Reading into it some of the language design, that's a key element of the language where everyone just writes the same way. It's interesting that a language can take away the freedom of doing your own thing and yet still feel so good!

    It's like the IPhone of languages 😅
    Yea I'm biased
    - Sent from iPhone
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    U will face regular "young" langages problems. Like kotlin, swift, etc.
    I stick with well known old langage as there is plenty of libraries and stackoverflow expérience sharing.
    Kotlin i may give it a try in 2 years.
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    @devapsarl I feel you, but there is literally something for Go already in the base language library. I have yet to hit a case in which I say awww shit I can't do what I want, plus, it's been developed since 2009 in which most of the changes are to the compiler or overall performance of it. People do write libs for it that are pretty much the standard on certain things(drivers etc) that get showcased by the language authorities themselves.

    If you feel it might be a little beta, its not man, its pretty powerful and full features, we could call it batteries included even
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    @C0D4 i get you completely! I personally love it and find it really easy to reason about. Even coming from a heavy Java background I don't find it lacking in any way possible, maybe I have not hit that block yet, but thus far have not even felt the need to start complaining about the lack of generics, shit I even like the way it handles errors :P
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    @AleCx04 I can't seem to find it, but is there a PSR or similar for Go?
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    When you think of the nature of the language, something like a super bloated framework like laravel would go against the point of it all really.

    Also has go fixed its regex to work properly yet?
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