Debugging in PROD are we?

  • 13
    I mean, it's tutorialspoint. I'm surprised they aren't Bitcoin mining in prod.
  • 11
    The real question is why anyone would do a jquery ui tutorial in 2020
  • 9
    @nibor I think the real question is how @netikras navigating through that amount of tabs
  • 4
    @nibor By supporting a gov project released in 2009 maybe ? :)
  • 3
    @nibor Just curious is jquery UI a thing of the past?

    As a newish sole front-emd dev I like to know what is popular vs what is trending down so that i dont accidentally jump on the bandwagon for something people are moving away from.
  • 4
    @BobbyTables hasn't been updated for years. It's pretty much a zombie project at this point.
  • 1
    @RevThwack Good to know. Thanks!
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    @nibor , may be to learn just know how it works ?
  • 2
    @hack thats a rookie number of tabs
  • 2
    @BobbyTables Vue.js(or more specifically Nuxt.js) is the 'hot' thing right now...
    And I guess react is too... but why would anyone use React instead of Vue.js is beyond my understanding (ugly render functions, manually defining bindings and multi-file components instead of single-file components which have beautifully divided template, script and style blocks, v-model two-way binding, easily changeable html, css and ecmascript preprocessors(I have no idea how one would do this in react but it would probably be really complicated)... It's just a joy to use it once you actually read the docs :D
  • 0
    @bytecode I used angular few years ago. Vue.js looks nice and been just needing to find the right situation to use it in. So far straight jquery has gotten me along fine for all the mostly static stuff I've built.
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    @bytecode and where is angular these days?
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    @nibor to be more exact I was trying to figure out why was widget's this.element undefined when _create was executing. Still haven't worked that out :/
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    @BobbyTables I use Vue.js even for static sites, it just provides a convinient way of making websites :)
    And Vue.js is being developed by the original creator of Angular - it's way more lightweight though
    @netikras probably being used by Google :) idk... Vue.js is basically a lightweight frontend only fork of Angular :)
  • 1
    @BobbyTables react is hot, web components are hotter
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