I was going to an interview and they kept me waiting for more than 1 hour without a notice. When the interviewer came, she didn't even apologize and gave me a form to fill out. I left the building and didn't come back. Did I did wrong? What would you do?

  • 6
    Was this an interview with a real company? Sounds like a headhunter shop. Abandon ship!
  • 1
    Yes, a real company. I was really excited about the interview.
  • 3
    Hey you didn't do anything wrong. But just depending on the single guy behavior, how did you decide that it is not a good company?
  • 1
    If I'm not wrong, I guess it is a MNC?
  • 1
    That's the thing, is just a small local company. That's why I was so angry. I thought it was disrespectful. But then, I wanted a second opinion to know if I was wrong.
  • 2
    Then you did right. If it an MNC, it is kind of acceptable as you know ppl in MNC are...

    But if a start up do this kind of stuff, it is not acceptable. Probably it shows the interest of them in their business.

  • 1
  • 5
    So, I got an email. She asked me what happened. I told her that I was waiting for more than an hour and I was there at scheduled time. She told me that one interview was extended more than expected and that was the reason they kept me waiting and that was not under her control. I think this is not completely true. That is why people makes schedules. To have control of the time. She is the interviewer, she controls when the interview ends. What do you think? Am I being too judgmental?
  • 11
    @Morningstar No you're not. If that was the case, the first thing that should come out of her mouth is an apology for making you wait. That could've been done by anyone really, as soon as the time for the other interview started to go past it's scheduled time. Atleast then you would know what was going on. Very rude.
  • 3
    Why you waited? I'd be out after the first 15 minutes.
  • 2
    @lig1 yea me to haha
  • 2
    I would have waited and went to their interview and state my demands for the job if they can't meet them, leave. If they disrespect me I would not hold myself from trolling them
  • 0
    Interviews are like dating and some of the same rules apply. Would you llet the same thing happen on a date? No!

    She could have excused herself from the interview camw out to explain and handed you the form to fill out while you were waiting.

    Not is all areas but most this is a seller's market (for now) this is good indication of what it's like to work there.
  • 0
    @katbreitin it's so true what you said. After all, I have never regreted leaving that day. At that moment was when I realized that I to respect myself as an engineer if I wanted to be respected in this field.
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