What fresh shit is this ?

  • 90
    Haha Discord? What the actual fuck? 😂 And VMs? We don't want kids to learn programming anymore
  • 56
    I'm going to mail them to ask them if they have any clue what they're doing.
  • 28
    Good luck answering all the 911 calls about Discord from parents that have gamer kids..
  • 22
    I wouldn't call sharing hacking tips over discord that good of an idea 😅
  • 11
    Fearmongering and reasserting control.
  • 4
    fucking genius kids...
  • 12
    I now know not to take my laptop to the UK.
  • 26
    They forgot the mandatory black hoody and the green tty outputs
  • 7
    @Jilano “I love these hentai cartoons. They remind me of Vietnam”
  • 16
    I have sent them an email on why their claims are wrong, and that they are preparing a disaster called a shortage of people that know things about technology.
  • 9
    I really hope this is a fucking joke.

    Cause if this ain't, I've lost all my respect for that country.
  • 6
    Also getting all the stuff done with metasploit and Kali isn't exactly peanuts.

    God this is fucking triggering me.
  • 6
    This dumb shit is extremely concerning. Another bullcrap to make more computer Karens
  • 14
    @kescherRant maybe that's their whole objective: deincentivize people to learn about tech right from the beginning, so that in a few decades everyone will be a tech illiterate and they gain complete control over technology because nobody is educated enough to fend them off.

    Aaand now I hate this world a little bit more. Great, thanks.
  • 13
    Also, how do vm's 'hide' operating systems? You just fucking start the VM application and check what's installed.

    Are there actually people too stupid to open an application these days?
    Furthermore, why would any sane person not protect their computer with a password?
    Actually, just noticed, why the fuck are parents invading their child's privacy like this.

    God damn, some of those Inselaffen..
  • 7
    I want to know what they think the term "hacking" means.
  • 6
    The lack of punctuation in the bulleted list is dusturbing.
  • 7
    Woohoo! I'm called a hacker!

    Well, at least partially, as I don't tick all those "boxes".

    Or maybe I'm simply a developer... I guess it's a borderline thing.

    Also, I do hacking, but not quite in the sense they want to portray. :P
  • 2
    @kescherRant Please report back once you get a reply :3
  • 10
    These appear to be unauthorized use of these companies' trademarks in an effort to overtly defame them. I would report this to the companies.
  • 6
    ...at least discord and Kali(offensive security).
  • 3
    I used 4 of those 6. Please call the police 😂
  • 1
    Well, as they say, all cops are bastards, episode 2137. And idiots, can't forget idiots.
  • 9
    Yeah, spying for the police on your own kids is a good way to build up a relationship of trust.

    And why not: "Tell your kid about coding classes, hacking conferences & job opportunities".

    We need more good hackers, not less.

    If your kid is showing a genuine interest in SecOps, they have a lot of great (and ethical) career opportunities ahead of them.
  • 5
    I used VMs when I was a kid, lock me up and throw away the key 🤣🤣🤣

    I live in the “United” Kingdom, and this is utter bollocks, every parent is going to ringing 999 reporting that their child is using discord

    🤔 gives me an idea 😁😂
  • 10
    How I see the idiots who did that
  • 1
    @kescherRant can you share your email here? I would like to do the same
  • 4

    I don't really want to have this be another entity being bombarded by copy & paste emails, causing them to not read those mails at all. But I'll describe my content.

    All I did was reiterate the intended use of the tools mentioned, as well as the positives of letting kids do things with these tools, and the economical negative of not letting them.
  • 2
    I did and still do use some of them, 3-5 precisely and as long as you don't do bullshit, which I don't feel like I have to explain, you're good
  • 7
    Maybe they're just nervous because they're running an outdated Drupal install on an outdated IIS server?
  • 1
    @JustThat that would be so evil
  • 1
    I hit all points but the Pineapple. (I also may or may not be the guy giving out tips over discord... only when I can verify it's not being used in the wild, you understand.)
  • 2
    @kescherRant yeah I wasn't planning to do a copy paste action because of what you described.
  • 4
    It's nothing to worry bout. I asked my son about that Pineapple of his. He only uses it to extend our home WiFi. Not sure why he keeps bringing it to the library though 🤔
  • 4

    I thought a WiFi pineapple is hardware?
  • 1
    I'm definitely sharing this with my colleagues teaching cyber security... 🤣
  • 2
    I'll be damned if I saw a kid using Kali
  • 1
    What the hell. Muggles are so naive. It is amazing that they are always sacred of what they don't understand.

    I put most of these on my kids computer 😎
  • 2
    My mail wasn't replied to yet, and I doubt it ever will be replied to.
  • 2
    @kescherRant are those people even real?
  • 2
    @alexbrooklyn I guess they redirect all their mails to /dev/null
  • 1
    That’s it, I’m signing up to discord right now!...
  • 2
    Careful, kids are learning things.. 😲
  • 1
    There should be a foot note to this that says "if you want bright talent in IT, maybe consider hiring these kids"!!
  • 2
  • 2
    @neoliun nope
  • 2
    @cafecortado Wait would it be legal to actually call the cops on you now? I mean they are basically asking for it. It would probably still be a bad idea except hundreds of people start reporting whole discord servers to this email address just so they see how many dangerous hackers exist
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