Oh for Fuck's sake buddy. What makes you think you are special?

  • 10
    Name and shame whats the point in posting this
  • 4
    Stop playing hard to get šŸ˜‰
  • 3
    lolololololol. The thing recruiters do wrong is what is known in Sales as 'hard sell', 'shotgun approach'.

    Any educated recruiter/salesman knows you have to:

    a) Nurture and foster the relationship with the prospect.

    b) Do it in a personal manner, not via text. In business context, e-mails/pm's are only for confirmation of communication. One misuse of those is using it for advertisement, which is considered illegal in the context of e-mailing.

    If possible, I would try to find a way to block or filter out recruiters/messages.
  • 0
    Hey, recruiter!
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