
Name a better duo

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    It's more like facts other than joke/meme though.
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    Music can be distracting sometimes. If I'm doing something routinely, then it's usually fine, but sometimes when I need to focus, I pause the music.
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    Better duo? Easy. Me and Saoirse Ronan
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    Keyboard and Code.
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    Coding while being on LSD?
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    @CaptainRant I'm not natural enough yet, but it's one of my life goals.
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    @Lor-inc Hahaha, but yeah I was joking. Kind of like that movie Limitless. If you code on LSD, you get hallucinations and you become schizoid, possibly giving you crazy coding ideas that you would have never thought of. But! It's a joke.. please don't take this advice. :)
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    @CaptainRant No, seriously, math on acid is awesome. It's just that I make a lot of stupid mistakes that make me feel awful when I find them like misspelling a function name, and I don't want something like that to ruin my trip. Also, looking at backlit screens with pupils the size of a large walnut isn't exactly pleasant.
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    i'll fight you on this
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    @netikrasi like the way you’re thinking..
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    @kamen you can use 3M Worktunes Connect headphones. They have passive noise cancellation plus Bluetooth audio. Leave the music off and it drops 30db. You can play the music super quiet in loud places too. They are getting quite popular in my office.
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    @irene I'm working from home these days, so not really relevant. Plus I don't think these would match up in terms of quality to what I have at home.
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    @kamen I think you are missing the point. When they are off there is no quality to worry about it is simply quiet. Fancier headphones don’t do that with active cancellation. Active cancellation requires an ongoing ambient noise level but passive doesn’t.

    Fancy active headphones enable you to have good quality listening but it is impossible for active technology to suppress the outside sound without your ear being exposed to at least a few decibels. Whereas passive headphones literally stop the ambient levels from reaching your ear. So the audio stream into the cans in these headphones is just a bonus and people can play the audio so quietly they can’t hear any quality degradation.

    This said, the audio quality is at decent mid-range headphone levels so they are good enough for most people. They have really taken off at our office.
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    Coffee + code
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    Yea in a open office concept, I definitely lean on noise cancellation headphones, but sometimes I just try and find a quiet area.
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