
If I wanted to write some article about code, where would you prefer to read it?

Medium? Dev.to? Something else?

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    Anywhere without a paywall, or an ad block detector.
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    I'm sorry to say, but it's probably been written about already. So prefer to write it on a platform where you can find it for quick reference in the future, and don't make something that's just for "people to read". It's gonna be obsolete in a few days anyway.
    Just don't do it man.
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    @confusionsays It's about embedded Rust, so there isn't a lot out there yet
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    @Geoxion your own GitHub pages and post it on the rust sub Reddit
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    Your own blog, cross-posted to dev.to if you want. Avoid Medium like the plague, they've started paywalling content written by contributors.
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    Take the subscription folks... honest price and contributors gets money back.

    Don't be cheap af.
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    Thanks for your feedback! For now, I've decided to set up my own blog website. But I may move somewhere else in the future if I don't like this setup.
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    @Geoxion Setting up your own site is always the safest option, and there are some great options around for free or inexpensive hosting, such as Netlify or Github pages, if you don't mind using a static site generator to build your site. It's even possible to edit it in a web browser using forestry.io.
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    @matthewbdaly yeah I'm using netlify and pythons pelican. Just a push to my git repo will publish it now.
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    @Cultist stfu. The first world authors from countries "privileged enough" to have a stripe connection are the only folks you're supporting.
    Stop being elitist "af".
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    Anything but Medium. Medium has shady paywall practises and has thrown out popular writers who did not agree to put their posts behind their paywall. I think Hackernoon is one of those accounts.

    Dev.to is OK, though if you have a personal blog be sure to put it there first.
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