Facebook API...

Facebooks "graph" or API's in general fucking stink donkey dick.

Their implementation of oAuth is horrible.. 3 different tokens, which can be either short or long lived, for fetching a facebook page feed (the clients own facebook page)
To that you add a clientID and a ClientSecret.

Great... after painstakingly reading confusing documentation and itching your head... You get it to work.

Then they, without notice, makes a breaking change of deprecate an endpoint you were using.. Jesus..

And all the support you can get comes from a "community group" which may or may not reply with a generic link to their documentation...

  • 7
    Facebook fucking sucks donkey dick*

    Fixed it
  • 1
    Thank you kind random stranger..
  • 2
    Deprecating an endpoint is bad practice in API usage; you have to keep it alive until you don't see traffic anymore.
  • 0
    Oh look! Another "It's cool to hate on widely used software" rant..

    Get on it folks...

    FUCK Facebook! Oh, and fuck React!
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