Someone was made redundant because of me.
Or so I think?
So two designers - (senior and junior) work in our company and I'm a UX designer but I don't really interact with them ( I'll get into that) and so the junior designer just told me our senior designer was just made redundant. Apparently when I was hired they weren't even told I was being hired and he became redundant.
I feel so guilty and so awkward.

Also the reason I don't interact with them cause when I was hired i was told I won't be working with them I will be working with other seniors... They feel very left out of the process and I feel for them.
I was explaining my frustrations about design and how certain things suck to the junior designer and my boss I think overheard and it's been a bit awk..
I don't know how to make everyone happy... I want to help the designers and my boss .... But I dunno when I try to fix the designs I don't want to hurt anyone... Sigh

  • 2
    Why wouldn't the designers be apart of the UX process though?
  • 0
    Well according to the Junior designer they were kicked out of any decisions that are made.. so when I was hired i was told to work with my boss and cro teams and not the designers? Tbh I don't know I'm just a new little caterpillar...
  • 4
    To put it bluntly, you cannot make everyone happy. Sounds like your office has some issues to resolve, though.
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