  • 6
    My choice is the one at top left
  • 20
    Top left but it's the less of all evils.
  • 18
    Top left. Though if I may give some advice;

    1. The ones with colored backgrounds doesn't work because of the low contrast between the looking glass and the background.

    2. Somehow make the white part of the looking glass contrast the background. You have to make sure that the logo works in most places.

    3. Use another font. If you want to go with a serif font, use one that's a bit more defined. Else, just use a sans-serif font. The one you're using right now kinda makes it look like a Chinese label or something.

    4. Center the T in the looking glass. Looks like it's a bit off.

    5. Make the text bigger. That will never show if the logo is used in a tight space. Alternatively only use the logo with the text if you have a lot of space to work with.

    I like the color, btw.
  • 2
    Also, I doubt you're using SVG so don't expect that logo to scale.
  • 7
    The color is great.
    I especially love it when the color matches the background. 😉

    Anyway, @ScriptCoded (and @odite) are correct. Anything I would say would just reiterate their points.
  • 0
  • 0
    @odite thanks. But what do you mean by "less of all evils"
  • 2
    The handle just feels way too long. You should do something about that.
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded noted 👍🏽
  • 0
    @PrivateGER noted 👍🏽
  • 1
  • 5
    @Drekel They're all bad.
  • 1
    The right ones are horrible for color blinded
  • 1
  • 1
    I'll go with the whole four combined as one logo with second and third switching sides.
  • 1
    The right ones are horrible on my phone screen with the blue filter on it
  • 1
    The handle is too long that drives attention away from the main logo
  • 1
    Put it on black background
  • 0
    @Nanos noted
  • 1
  • 1
    I could hardly see the outline on both of the right logos so id say bottom left
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