
Why do developer prefer macOS or linux over windows? Even though windows can run almost all the programs. Windows can provide great speed with newer processors and SSDs.

I find Windows to be more interactive and simple to use. What do you guys think?

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    I think the biggest weaknesses of Windows is the commandline. Compared to MacOS and Linux, the Windows CMD is just shit.
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    i'm using windows with cygwin
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    Well for me it's that KDE is a lot nicer to use and the tools I (normally) use is either compatible with Linux or works quite well under Wine

    Also Linux is free and provides great speed on newer processors and SSDs (which is a really weird selling point tbh)
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    Windows on ssd is the same speed as Linux on a 5400rpm hdd. Also to get certain packaged on windows you have sacrifice the life of your unborn child and spends decades installing so that windows can break them later. Also the "fast with newer processors" why would you buy something expensive so that you can run windows when you can use what you have and run Linux faster?
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    - free of cost
    - programs and updates can be easier installed
    - better and more secure remote administration
    - better debugging of installed programs
    - smaller (in my company the linux vms usually exceed 30 GB when a database is installed or data is stored, the winows vms are usually 70GB)
    - an calculator that doesnt need to be in an "scientific mode" to calculate correct
    - better networking
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    Win 10 has partly duplicated settings. You can set stuff in Settings and/or Control Panel.

    That's clearly not a pro.
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    Performance and stability are much better on Linux. The command line is real and functional. The system is accessible, user-friendly, and as powerful as your knowledge allows.
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    There is only ONE thing windows is better than linux: Central User managment.
    Under linux its more problematic.
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    * posix compliance
    * gnu toolset
    * proper system-wide logging [i.E. When smth crashes I know what and why]
    * system-wide modularity [anything can be exchanged for an alternative]
    * manual updates, ppa repo
    * no antivirus, no need for licences, no cracks, hacks, etc.
    * no need to reboot after any installs/upgrades
    * all the software upgrades with a single command
    * performs faster [it really does more often than not]
    * "everything is a file" on Linux/Unix

    But most importantly..
    * no magic/undefined behaviour. Like a ..\target\ dir becoming read-only and not coming back to -rw w/o a system restart. Or the fact that every 17th attempt to launch a command fails just because [and crashes the cmd] w/o any explanations.
    * all the access policies are crystal clear.
    * commands always output what they should
    * a true multiuser/multisession system. As many users logged in and working simultaneously as I want.
    * if I lock my screen, no processes are stoped, no ports are closed, no users logged out.. If I lock my screen the only thing that happens - my screen locks. That's all
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    Performance and reliability for me. Been a windows user for years and couldn't go back when I used masOS and Linux.
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    I find Windows' UI to be terribly inefficient. Just some minor tweaks and it would be perfect.
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    As a developer and regular user, Windows has been the better choose of OS for decades. Some reasons are the same ones why Apple and Android dominate the mobile market: availability of applications, hardware options, etc. Some are based on management features like group policy. Then there is usability. You may have your own preference, but in general, The majority of users find windows easier to use. Having to use a cli for anything (and I mean literally anything ) is a UI failure for normal personal or corporate users.
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    Because windows has the worst shell of any OS for starters. I feel dirty even calling cmd a shell, powershell too
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    Being able to run all the programs is kind of useless when you have to wait for the update to finish and then reinstall the system and dev environment because the update destroyed Windows.
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    @inaba DEs on Linux are often much more consistent I guess ;)
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    @stop > programs and updates can be easier installed

    Being able to update the entire system and the applicaitons you've installed by just, well in my case, typing "yay" is so god damn nice. And not having to reboot (unless there are kernel updates) to apply those is really fucking nice as well (fuck even visual studio wants you to reboot at times for some reason).
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    @kescherRant KDE sure is in my experience, and I get to use Numix which is nice :v

    Also another thing that I really like about OSX and Linux is that they don't use the fucking escape character for directories!
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    1) imho windows feels so slow, especially io operations, but also simple stuff like showing the start menu. i‘m used to hit cmd-space on my mac and immediately start typing like ‚ecl<return>‘ and exlipse starts. on windows i hit win and start typing and it randomly takes seconds for the menu to show up, furthermore it basically fails all the time to find what i want. i type ‚wor‘, see the word icon, hit return but just before i hit it, i replaces the search entry with something else and bammm, wrong thing launched.
    2) commandline is shit. why would i install this linux subsystem if i can just use linux?? (or macos in my case)
    3) myriards of updates every day the force me to restart or install at the false time all the time, macos (regardless of install date, always installs every update with just one swoop)
    4) the UI is so counterintuitive, so many different themes, keyboard shortcuts, ux concepts in all the apps, i prefer macos simplicity
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    Please expand on your specific experience with Windows dev that has made it easier compared mac?
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    @succyproggy I mean, the thing that's nicer about developing on windows and Linux compared to mac is quite easy. If you're on a laptop you don't need an external keyboard to have a non-shit one :v
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    @gathurian uhhh Powershell is an option too? I also have git bash I staled as well just when I don’t feel like learning new PS stuff.
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    @gathurian luckily there is powershell object oriented CLI is so handy for big scripts.
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    @monkeyboy I think you mean "the majority of users only have experience with Windows," which is not a good argument. Neither is the one you actually said, especially when there are studies that show that most new users actually have less trouble picking up Linux than Mac or Windows. It's not usually inherent design flaws that make a difference OS "harder" for users to pick up, it's habits and expectations developed in other systems, some of which might actually be worse, just familiar.
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    I am pretty confident that people who prefer Windows for tasks that another operating system can do are either ignorant of other operating systems, or are sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting, "la-la-la-la-la!" because nothing else makes sense.
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    Went back to Windows (job related) after years of Linux... while I mainly deal with development (.Net/PowerShell) for IAM related stuff god I miss *nix for all the reasons others have already mentioned.

    Only plus point to Windows is central users management, AD and bells and whistles around it, which is going to be replaced soon(tm) by AzureAD so... Linux/Mac all the way.

    Don’t get the part about CPU and SSD though, if referring to hardware I am on my 6th Surface pro in 2 years all previous 5 broke down so I would not venture down that path ;-)
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    I run Windows 10 and it works great for me. WSL2 gives me a Linux kernel, Windows Terminal is pretty damn good and VSCode is awesome. On top of that, I can run Photoshop, Acrobat DC, Outlook, Excel and the ocasional game.
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    In my opinion it's the same story as any other tools you use for programming. It really boils down to your preference and picking the right ones for your project needs.

    If you prefer windows, GUIs, VScode go for it. Linux vim makes you write faster/better code use that.

    I really don't like people hating/fan boying over stuff like that. OH DON'T USE JS, IT'S SHIT. MY LINUX IS SO MUCH FASTER THAN YOUR WINDOW BULLSHIT HAAA!

    Shut the fuck up dude. Find the tools you enjoy and make most sense to you.
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    @kfalencik I mean, I have GUI's and VSCode on Linux as well (and windows just not the OS but also kinda the os through wine) 🤔
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    Also, vim runs just fine on Windows. I used it heavily on Windows for many years.
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    Guys I'm not saying that you can't have vim on windows etc. that's exactly my point. Mix and match, do whatever as long as you enjoy it and it makes sense for your workflow.
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    It's hard to view your comment as anything but hostile and aggressive when you finish it with, "shut the fuck up."
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    @bahua normally I agree with you with this but in this case it's "not this again, just use what you like an do not try to start discussions on opinions".

    I do not see hostility, just annoyance.
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    @bahua I was only trying to reference haters so shut the fuck up
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