
I really tried to give tailwind a chance. I gave my best to start using it....

I hate it. It sucks. It makes my design process slow as fuck. Fuck of with this shit.

  • 1
    Is it that bad? Some one mentionned it to me recently.
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    @Santaclauze it's css with utility classes. It's like going back in time and write html like it's the nineties. I love css. And tailwind is definitely not for me.
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    @Wombat we use grommet at my work. I helped design a react lib on top of styled components called bootstrap styled.

    I much prefer utility classes than props. Tailwind looked my bs lib ;)
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    😲😲😲 and here I'm falling in love with it.

    True, it is not like bootstrap and the likes but in term of customization and making components it's much better. I use it mainly together with vuejs.
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    @cursee it is okay. It just makes me really slow because I have to learn all the classes first and I am pretty fast styling with sass.
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