the first most annoying thing in devrant are new users

the second most annoying thing is "new comments on a rant you commented on" notifications. They require maintenance work, and I can't even mute threads on desktop

  • 2
    @dudeking I can do that on mobile
  • 4
    Seriously, is anyone using those 'someone commented on rant' notifs? Anyone finds them useful? Frankly I'd rather have them on opt-in basis since I sometimes come across a thread I'd rly like to follow up... But it's not worth digging through dozens of 'someone commented' notifs to find that one thread. I'm now always simply clearing them all. Every time. I cannot remember when was the last time I clicked on either of them [except accidentally].

    If noone elsr is using them - maybe it's worth removing this feature? Or rather thansforming it into a opt-in thing rather than opt-out that we have now?
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    This is a comment.
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    @netikras I like them but opt in sounds logical. However imo it’ll never change.
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    @netikras I do not like them, yet o click em
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