Well, that's official Android bug tracker. I should definitely visit it more often.

  • 9
    What the fuck
  • 16
    @Stuxnet we have passed your comment to the development team and will update this rant with more information as it becomes available
  • 14
    The question is, why the fuck DO PEOPLE TAKE PICS OF THEIR NUDE CHILDREN? Everyone who does this does not respect privacy.
  • 6
    "Google why do you do exactly what you wrote you'd do in the agreements I accepted without reading?"
  • 4
    lmao, the automated response. I wonder what precious feedback will the dev team provide.

    @kescherRant well, when a toddler takes the first shit or bath it's quite a milestone... so it's usual to take a picture and it's not something bad...

    in case you've never seen a toddler they are just very young humans.
  • 4
    @jesustricks but it's usual to dress them. I'm pretty sure, I've had at least as much experience in being a toddler as the best toddlers on the world.

    P.s. on a more serious note do not upload photos of your children. Especially nude ones.
  • 1
    @Pickman, oh really, is it usual to dress them? why are you stating the obvious, just to get on my nerve? of course they are mostly dressed.

    we don't know the amount or extent of the nudeness of the pictures of this woman. considering how exaggerated she sounds, it could have been just one picture of her kid taking a shit, and that's enough for her to accuse google of pedophiles.

    i agree on not making that a usual thing.
  • 0
    @deadlyRants your comment is so ignorant it's beyond belief.

    wtf does it have to do if she read the tos or not?
    here's a question, consider two statements:
    a) she's an ignorant idiot that didn't read the tos
    b) the tos are dishonest

    which statement matters the most?

    google gives users the middle finger more and more.

    when setting up android, you are asked if you want to use google services, but they are not specific at all about the auto back up pictures. They just say "access to history and files by google apps".

    And you can't (on setup) modularly turn on or off certain services.

    You could say "well, they didn't fucking lie, they did say it somehow". That's being a moron, because thousands of people, even technical ones get shocked every day to find that google's been backing up their photos. So the cunts are lying by omission.

    but no, haha, dumb consumer should be stepped on by corporations because she's an idiot.

    Also, what's next, record your phone calls?
  • 0
    also, do you happen to read every tos from top to bottom and understand everything without any legal education?

    even if you read them, if some tos says that you should sell soul to the devil are you gonna say "welp, that's what I accepted by using this service", no you dingus!

    tos' can be dishonest, anti consumer, sometimes illegal, and sometimes challenged and beat on court.

    here, take a look at how much they hate consumers.
  • 1
    You got triggered by a joke comment.

    Just cool the frick down.
  • 0
    @Gregozor2121 yeah, it is a joke, but it's also a boot licking attitude that I see a lot in real life.

    i think programmers have a commitment to bring good to society, so seeing a dev say shit like "fuck you for not reading the tos" is gonna be triggering for me.

    i love shock comedy, I like some pretty vile jokes, but i draw the line here. imagine this was a forum of doctors, and a gullible ignorant patient got screwed over by some health center, and one user posted "haha, fuck him for not reading the contract tos".
  • 2
    @jesustricks There is a difference between not reading the terms of service and not reading a single word when setting up the phone, nor looking up what you were buying in the first place.
    Android actually does give you switches about privacy including clear explanations, and they're kinda hard to miss as it's the first couple of screens when setting up the phone or certain Google apps.

    I'm not trying to defend Google, I'm just saying having a corporation to blame doesn't mean you can just give your kid a product you don't quite understand yourself and expect things to go well.

    When people don't even grasp the difference between Google, Chrome and Android and what that means it's not the fault of shitty terms of service.
  • 1
    I don't remember such switches but I guess they are there since I can be a stupid idiot sometimed, disregard my comments I guess.
  • 0
    @jesustricks because irony is a form of humor and it subtly pointed to the fact that uploading nude pictures to internet is not a good idea. No matter where you put them you are taking a first step towards making them public.
    The dire reality is that in general companies offer very little security to the rights of the consumer and you cannot trust them because while the organization might be nice there are always bad apples in it.
    And yes. Screw him for not knowing what he signed for. Because he won't remember us saying him to be aware of what he signs but he WILL remember that he was screwed. If you dealt with people long enough you'd know that first-hand experience sticks more than simple recommendations.

    P.s.: btw I dislike Google for even offering me the option to setup my devices in a way that are not respectful of my privacy. Even offering these options can create peer pressure to force me to share more than I'm comfortable with (just like it happened to me on Linkedin).
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