My neighbor(He is 14 I think) pitched this to me and wanted advice since he was going try to participate in the Google science fair.

Him:"A robot that gives you medical advice. You just tell it your symptoms and voila! You've got your diagnosis. No doctor required."

Me: "How are you going to decide what disease the user has?"

Him:" I'm just going to write an if-else ladder statement. I've already got some of the data from this site called WebMD. It's amazing."

Me: "Go with something simple. What you're suggesting won't work out."

He told me I didn't have "Vision".
His ditched his project last week.

  • 39
    So baymax?
  • 0
  • 1
    @kerrermanisNL Yeah it would have simplified his task but I didn't know about IBM's bluemix platform and Watson API back then.
  • 0
    Does webmd have an API?
  • 4
    @theDatron @Hevlastka I made a Baymax iOS app last semester for my software engineering class, and it turned out very well. Didn't quite make it so that it would diagnose the user, but I pointed him/her in the right direction.
  • 4
    @laa413 but the most important question is - is it giving out hugs?
  • 0
    Using WebMD as the primary data source? There's gonna be a lot of scared users thinking they have cancer because they've got the sniffles.
  • 0
    @laa413 That's pretty cool! I didn't know this could be done. Could you maybe share a github link or the app name so I can show it to him?
  • 0
    @comradebeaglsky *insert Oprah gif saying everyone gets cancer*
  • 1
    @theDatron Sure! It currently has compilation errors due to the new version of Xcode, but if you have the previous version I could share it with you now, or you will have to wait till I can fix the errors. Sorry about that.
  • 0
    Should've used Microsoft Tay
  • 1
    @laa413 Actually I think it's better you share it with the errors. I'll just show him the code so that he can maybe have a basic idea.
  • 0
    📌 cause I want to see the baymax app.
    Sounds cool as hell :)
  • 1
    @theDatron I think I can try to fix it quickly, it is just a syntax error that I think won't be too hard to fix because of how it converted to swift 3. If I can't fix it then I'll send you the link.
  • 0
    @laa413 It's not a problem. Could I still get the code?
  • 0
    @theDatron Yes you can still get the code! I am sorry, I have been caught up with a bunch of stuff. Would it be ok if I got it to you later today? I have class until 3:30, so I will do it as soon as I can after that.
  • 0
    @laa413 It's not an issue. Please do it whenever you can.
  • 2
    @theDatron @yarwest Here is the link: https://github.com/laa413/...
    I had time to get the link before class but not push an updated version. So here is the Swift 2 version.
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