I'm writing my bachelor thesis in LaTeX. As people who use LaTeX might know, it generates shitloads of files while compiling (like 10 files per .tex file).
To unclutter my project folder, I wrote a simple one-liner bash script that deletes all files which are not .tex or .bib files (literature references) and of course it will not delete itself (although that one also took me longer to figure out why my script 'kept disappearing for no reason after I ran it' than I'd like to admit).

However, I forgot that images are also files which are stored in the project-folder.
And this is how I suddenly lost all of my images for no reason at all, resulting in my PDF not building anymore. Luckily we all commit and push all regularely, right...

Edit: I just figured out that I'm even stupider than originally thought... My .gitignore ans more importantly, the '.git' folder also neither end in .tex nor .bib. Guess I'll just go fuck myself.

  • 2
    How about latexmk? 😎
    Good luck with your thesis!
  • 1
    @flafi2000 I'm using latexmk actually. Why would that make any difference?

    Thanks, currently fucking off doing pretty much anything innstead of writing some concept I should be doing 😅
  • 1
    I have there a make clean for cleaning up all the *.aux crap etc...
    I have probably to look it up again, i remeber it as a timesaver🤔
  • 4
    Please learn to use make.

  • 1
    Output the build files to a build folder. Only delete that folder.

    Add step that copies executable to a different location.


    Lol, I just got an image of the OP drinking heavily while coding Latex...
  • 0
    @Demolishun It's only the second week into the new semester. I aint drinking at uni YET...
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    @halfflat gotta try that one thanks
  • 0
    My friend has a startup use doc2latex google this.
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    @minigeek The whole reason I'm writing in LaTeX is that I DONT have to use word...
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    i'm not even so worried about doing college assignments
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