
Whats your test/experimenting variable name?

Unlike foo,bar,baz..
Mine is banana/baba/apple 😂

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    program femininely
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    Usually it's 'thing' for me.
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    Mines are normally a, b and c, but when I'm exited to test something I just name them udcahakaanvs, jsbsvaisbsb and udbavaidbdb
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    Usually stuff, things, shit
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    die('yo'), die("I'm here!"), pre programmed shortcuts in PhpStorm
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    "wat", "wtf" and the such.
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    Test, test1 etc...
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    Yes, I include the hashtag.
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    I'm boring I usually call them `varA` lol
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    The classic toast, test, tast, tist testts, test_toast, then :p
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    Usually o, j, h, k
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    Usually: ugh, why, idk
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    Req, res
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    bla1, bla2, bla3 etc
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    a, asd, qwe, and sometimes, when im in the mood, names of historical characters, like PioIX, Carlomagno, Columbus..
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    I use fudge because it feel wrong to use fuck while at work.....
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    In PHP, I also use __FILE__.":".__LINE__ a lot as a debug string. Easy copy/paste-able across your code and informative as well...
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    UI developers will include 'lorem' and 'ipsum' here as well
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    the names change with the level of frustration.
    (^yes, that's a thing)

    and then they happen to slip through to production.
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    Llama, Charlie, hats, eatingHands... yeah, I love this video...
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    I name them, what they actuay should do, or is being/already happend to the vars.
    movingPointer, locationWithReplace, message_noFile;
    But if I'm lazy, and these are only super small methos, I use like String str, Location loc; if I will have like Strings, I sometimes also do something like str1, str2, and so on :D
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    Yoda, yoda2, yoda3 when I'm feeling good and hulk, hulk2, hulk3 when I'm feeling angry
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    Test, testicle, testies
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    Mostly wat, wtf and wtfisdis
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    I usually use different increments of Potato.
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