
Somebody tell JetBrains that government-funded projects that are publicly available and free are also FOSS and shouldn't be exempt from free licenses dammit

  • 2
    But this is not what FOSS is.
  • 1
    @beegC0de how so? Checks all the boxes according to https://opensource.org/osd
  • 0
    Free evaluation 30days. Remove all config files related to intellij and redownload. Takes about 2 minutes.
  • 1
    I saw government and free and thought u mean free as in free beer, not liberty
  • 1
    I agree on this one. Here the goverment develops mostly closed source software but I think we are transitioning to open source at some point in the future. (Give it 10 years or something)
  • 1
    @beegC0de no I do mean free like free beer, and freedom too I guess ,whatev. Take a look at https://code.gov/
  • 3
    @person if the source code isn't available to modify and redistribute it's not free
  • 4
    @beegC0de did you even check his link? Literally the first button on there is to their github code.
  • 0
    It's public domain, not a FOSS license. They are within their rights to treat it how they want within the limits public domain implies (there aren't many). It's a US Constitution thing, that all US Government-produced materials for the benefit of the public are automatically public domain. There's no need for FOSS licenses in such cases.
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