So I recently started going to a university, and I am being taught C. I have previously learnt C++ in school so its all pretty easy for me compared to those who are programming for the first time.
So, one of my classmates run into a problem with their code so he asks to check where he went wrong. So, the teacher comes and checks his code and then concluded that the compiler is F****** broken!! And i am like FFS theres a missing semi-colon, even the compiler pointed it out....just because you couldn't figure out the problem doesn't mean the compiler is broken.

  • 6
    Because some of you may not have been around when this classic dropped:
  • 2
    The thing that escaped your imagination, onto the keyboard and onto devrant, to collect ++? ah yeah that thing.
  • 0
    Fellow Indian?
  • 1
    Welcome to academia, where they now just get the researches to work full time bringing in research grants, and employ the cheapest people they possibly can to sift through the undergrads.

    Sad but true, I'm afraid.
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    @halfflat What compiler are you using for that high of a big count; a cracked version of Embarcadero?
  • 0
    @halfflat I usually only see that number of bugs either in heavy numerical code or in advanced template code (Hana etc.). Do you work with those? (I ran into both when making a template based numerics library lol)
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