Blockchain is just glorified linked list!!! Change my mind.

  • 6
    Each node in a block chain contains multiple elements. Many pcs contain the same data. Adding elements to a block chain is computationally intensive.

    But basically yes. All those managers talking about blockchain are like those indians who feel like a pro because they can write a linked list - but without the technical knowledge
  • 7
    You're wrong.

    Linked lists usually don't carry any association to the data of their predecessors and can therefore be altered (aka manipulated).
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    It is a secure (immutable) linked list.
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    It's also a distributed linked list, with the option to use permissions when adding stuff
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    It is a backward linked list where each Element consists out of a Header to describe it, and a storage part.
    The header contains a Merkle Root Hash combining all the stored things and the hash of the header of the previous Element.
    This is how the storage and overall Element are linked and secured.

    You can now also add peer to peer distribution, and Consensus finding algorithms to make sure everyone eventually gets and ends up with the same version and doesn't invent new Elements how ever one likes.
  • 6
    Please stop with "change my mind". It makes no sense in the real world. Humans never change their mind with one argument, even a heavily strong one.

    Knowledge changes by many small arguments and time.

    By saying that you just start a conflict between two narrow-minded people. Why?
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    I think they're just LL tbh.
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    @RageBone Damn it man! Now I want to get a book on this. Gotta understand this hash chain thinga magig...
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    @Demolishun the bitcoin book by antonopolus on github.
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    I also downloaded 3 or 4 books from packt
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    Change it your self, don't be lazy.
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    Programs are just glorified electrons. Change my mind.
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    @c64forthewin indeed. Does that makes them matter less?

    What does actually matter?
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    Blockchain is a BS techno to attract VCs. Just as ML.

    Look at that indian startup who raised 30 millions $ for AI "App creation" where in reality it was just cosing monkeys behind scenes
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    @Kasonnara Change my mind is effective at changing minds. Change my mind.
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    @NoToJavaScript it sadly has become that way.

    Though in reality, the hole stack that often is described as blockchain, allows the removal of trust out of transactions, including the man in the middle.
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    @enigmamachine keeping true to your name ilike it
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    @RageBone the idea of no central control is just that, a fantasy
    In reality, those in power will always find away to get their greedy claws on it
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    @RageBone how does this work?
    I mean I have to send you the good before you send me the currency so I have to trust you anyway, or?
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    @Pickma good question.

    It doesn't in the way you mean.

    Removal of trust and of the central currency transferring authority.

    You have to trust the bank that they send the money out.

    You have to trust the banks not to print more money then they should.


    Since the system being opensource, distributed and transparent, you don't need to trust. If the system tells you something is a certain way, it most certainly is that way.

    The usual Authenticity problems are sadly not solved by that technology.
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