MFers... DevRant is not StackExchange. Got a question because you don't know how to do something? F*cking go to StackExchange and ask there.

  • 4
    How do I go to StackExchange?
  • 3
    How do I create a SE account?
  • 0
    Actually, if your code doesn't work and needs help, you ask on StackOverflow. StackExchange is for improving code that already works.
  • 0
    Yeah yeah fuck off
  • 7
    Voting to close this rant as out of scope
  • 5
    Comments are not for extended discussion, the conversation has been moved to /dev/null. Here's a link to rules that don't explain why we do this, because it doesn't make sense to us either.
  • 2
    While SO is great for answering specific Problems, dR is great for asking "open questions", Like "what is better? X or Y?" or "How would you do X, and why that way?", as they just don't fit the SO rules
  • 0
    DevHelp site when?? 😂
  • 0
    Just filter questions from your feed
  • 3
    As soon as this service doesn't bash people for asking perfectly valid questions, I'll consider it.
    That's the reason I closed my account twice.
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