I set the fucking alarm at 06.40. It's now 10.56 and I just woke up. What the HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!

  • 5
    You had a very peaceful sleep.
  • 4
    You must have needed it😴
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    @lydeking I've been late to work every single day this week... So yeah...
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    You messed up your circadian rythm, that's what's wrong. Stop being a night owl and try to go to sleep at midnight, or even a bit earlier if you gotta wake up early
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    @endor Yeah I figured it was something like that. So yesterday I got in bed at 11. Guess I'll just have to keep on going until I'm "synced again"
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    Same here woke up at 11.30, missed all my morning classes
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded thing is, you have to stick to a regular hour every day. Consistency is the most fundamental part of getting your rythm back
  • 7
    @irene I guess it is, but when you get home at 18.00-18.30, eat at 19.00-19.30, you're usually free at 20.00-20.30. A shower on that and you've practically got no free time at all. Of course personal health matters the most, but it just feels like the days run away. Perhaps I'm missing something, but I just can't put the pieces together
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    @endor I'll give it a serious shot. Thanks
  • 2
    I have good expierence with this method:
    You need several days for this.
    Each day you go later to bed, for example 2 hours later each second days. After a couple days your rythm is at your prefered time. now yow must stick to it.
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    Congrats on 10k btw!
  • 5
    @stop Thanks
    @endor Thanks!
    @12bitfloat Thanks! :D
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    @ScriptCoded Story of my life.
  • 4
    You shouldn't aim to be woken by the alarm. Instead you should aim to wake up on your own before the alarm clock goes off. The alarm clock should be merely a "safety measure". When you are allowed to wake up on your own, your feeling of well-being during the day increases significantly. An alarm cutting your sleep short by just five minutes can have a huge impact on how rested you feel throughout the day.

    Now, if you're not waking up on your own before the alarm goes off, you're simply going to bed too late.
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    @ScriptCoded Very rarely I come back from work, eat something, shower, sit at PC for about 30 minutes and at about 19:00 I feel so sleepy that I can hardly enjoy what I'm doing, so I just go to sleep. Usually I will wake up a few hours later, but I just go back to sleep and wake up at about 5-6 in the morning. Not really worth it to force, even if it was "wasted" 4 hours.

    I also wake up at around 6AM in the Saturday and Sunday, so I do not go out of sync - it is really annoying to try and go to sleep at 23 when you woke up at 10 AM and aren't tired yet.

    @acz0903 Yeah, huge difference when you wake up on your own. Sometimes it is even better to just wake up about 1h earlier than try to sleep again and get woken up in the middle of deep sleep.
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    @acz0903 That seems to be a good philosophy. Perhaps worth working towards. Thanks!

    @NoMad I've been thinking of having it looked up. Vitamin deficiency, that is. I've been eating vegetarian for almost 8 years, so perhaps somethings been wrong all along.
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    Maturbated last night?
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    @ScriptCoded i had sleep problems, so i went to the doc. After he took a blood sample and after he got the results he said that i had next to none b12 in my blood, an indicator that i am living on the saved b12 in my organs.
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    @NoMad did you read “why we sleep” by any chance?
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    @ankitbansal Ever learned to spell?
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    @NoMad it is a great book about sleep, by Matt Walker
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    I envy people who oversleep. I can not sleep more than 7 hours
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    @okb1100 Best story ever πŸ˜‚
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