
Today after 1 year of taking shit I sat down with my manager and completely tore the whole fucking company apart.

I absolutely slammed my colleagues, obliterated my team lead, went on and on about how no one understands the basics and how everything we have is copy paste procedural code and the only way to fix what we have is to delete it. I then insinuated I want to quit because I cba with the struggle anymore.

Result? Fat promotion. Not sure what just happened here lmao.

  • 10
    Congrats... i guess?

    A rollercoaster from start to finish
  • 9
    Seems honesty actually works
  • 20
    Step 1 Be an arsehole
    Step 2 ???
    Step 3 Profit
  • 2
    Well at least you know you're indispensable to the company now. Did you get a nicer office or *an* office?
  • 12
    That's why I yell at our CEO every opportunity I get.

    So far, he's given me some shares in the company.
  • 0
    Been there. Big nope when dealing with actual boss.. 🙄
  • 2
    Hahahahahaha well see you complained so the manager promoted you to go fix what you complained about. Succeed in making those improvements and more pay raises will follow. Fail, and you better have that backup resume ready...
  • 1
    All they wanna do is cut down on attrition, mostly.

    A month later you'll be ranting about his nothing has changed.
  • 1
    yeah... I checked in what is happening today and it sounds like I won't get the job.
  • 0
    What the actual fuck?
  • 0
    @craig939393 any updates?
  • 2
    @FelisPhasma somehow looks like I've got the job again. Will post back in 3 weeks if anyone's interested for some reason.

    This will essentially make me a senior senior dev 2 years out of uni... Which might be mental lmao.
  • 0
    @craig939393 look forward to hearing how the story progresses!
  • 0
    . I'm interested too 😉
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