Sometimes I wish I could just disappear and have everyone forget about me and leave me the fuck alone for at least a day

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    I used to take the car out in the forest, without phone and shit and just walked for a good while there.

    No one could reach me, I could not reach anyone.

    Try something similar
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    @Linux "shit for a good while there" 😀😂
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    Thats a good idea too :P
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    Sometimes I try to isolate myself too, but I never manage to break the dependencies from my girlfriend without errors
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    eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
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    That's what vacation is for. Just travel to a stranger country and turn off your phone!
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    *for at least 10 years.

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    @Jilano sleep is part of the routine, and also you don't experience isolation since you are actually sleeping 🤷🏻‍♂️
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