Dear Devranters, since recruiters love personal websites (and I'm looking for work), I spent the last two days making my own personal site using all the tools I know, including some 3d modeling of the stack I know

DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN SITES? can you share so I can compare? thanks.

site is here https://bransongitomeh.github.io and I'm attaching the 3D render of my stack done in blender and rendered using cycles

the site itself is done in HTML and CSS is using some paid bootstrap template and I put it all together using https://github.com/BransonGitomeh/... so its minified and stripped down (could do more) and it's cute I think.

I'm not sure if recruiters care if I should use react and vue and angular, lol. I figured I should use the right tool for the Job.

what do you think?

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    Your mobile layout is a bit messed up, I'm sure @Alice will love the colors you used
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    This (couldn't add it in the previous comment)
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    Yeah, your site doesn't work at all on mobile.
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    aaah thanks @alexbrooklyn , ill fix that top part. haha
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    ok should be good now, rogue css class.
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    @Jaspreet3480 go make one haha, I have been coding for 4 years and only now have I gotten to do it.
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    I have a website with my real name on it, I prefer not to share it here.

    Anyway, I have a small Ubuntu droplet at DigitalOcean. The source code is on GitHub and I have a Travis CI setup so that it triggers each time I push.

    An Ansible script ensures that docker, pip, certbot and the digital ocean API tool are all installed on the server. After this I build a docker image in the pipeline and copy all the source code in the /src folder in it, then push the image to dockerhub. Last but not least, the makefile and docker-compose files are copied to the server and then started with the correct image tags.

    Afterwards I have a nodejs app running with an nginx in front of it, the app uses Twig for templating, markdown for content and expressjs. The frontend is some WIP text, I'm a bit too bored to work on an actual nice looking website. It does have programming symbols and linux commands flying in the background though :)

    I use it to show backend/devops skills, not so much for frontend :p
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    Wow thats a large process and DO cost just for a little portfolio haha, i have a similar setup but for client apps only. This one is running on github infra only and i only deploy with git push as normal pages work.
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    @letterman $5 p/m is worth it :p

    And it's true, what I have set up is complete overkill. But I love setting up CI/CD and pipelines :D

    Making a frontend is less my thing, hence it will probably stay a WIP page for some time
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    I think this looks glorious on large screen haha, CI's are a beautiful thing. I pay $100 in infra costs for my little startup and man, it's sickening sometimes to have to pay for something that doesnt give me cash back hahaha
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    Small contradiction, you say 4 years experience in the main website and 5 years in the page footer
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    Leave cloud computing to the past. Space computing is today!
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    @crow22498 ow crap, fixing asap. thanks
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    @alexbrooklyn @Alice has left devRant again..
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    @letterman there are a bunch of writing errors like "Backend End" and so on (and that 4/5 years inconsistency).

    Design and colours look decent.

    Personally I'm not a fan of the 3D model, it needs some work. There's very little detailing, for one thing, and since it's all black and hard-to-read green it doesn't convey information very nicely. Plus the really dark colour takes away from the 3D-ness of the objects. At the very least turn up the lights in cycles, make the material lighter, and use Filmic so that you don't overexpose the sphere (if that happens). You could also model little ports where the wires go in and out of the boxes and sphere, and change the colour of the wires slightly so that they stand out a bit more.

    To make it fit your site stylistically, you could use a sort of flattening postprocessing effect over it, maybe use Photoshop's cutout filter or something similar.

    Again, that's just my take, your tastes could vary.
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    @RememberMe Thanks for the feedback, your points are all legit and ill be iterating on the design. feels so good to see someone who knows all this stuff :-D
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    That first sentence where you’re introducing yourself should probably be “I’m” and not “Im”.

    “As a professional, I strive to create WORKING SOFTWARE ,thats BEING USED to MEET USERS' Needs” - generally, if you’re testing out your use of commas as punctuation, it’s good practice to see whether the sentence makes sense if you remove the words between two commas.

    “As a professional thats BEING USED to MEET USERS' Needs” does not make sense, which is your clue that the second comma is unnecessary.

    Your clue that the first comma’s fine is whether the sentence makes sense if you flip the order so that the words before the comma occur at the end of the sentence.

    “I strive to create WORKING SOFTWARE thats BEING USED to MEET USERS' Needs as a professional.”
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    @AmyShackles, thanks so much for that. fixing asap
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    @AmyShackles *that's ๐Ÿ™‚
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    @letterman slight nitpick: use space after comma, not before.

    Bigger nitpicks: correct the spelling of Experience, don't use trailing dots at the end of Experience section.

    Personal opinions:
    Colours look cool. I love the doodly icon before your initials.
    I'd lose the caps in the mission statement. To me, users' needs looks a bit odd. I'd go with just 'user needs'.
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    @dr-ant Thanks, I've fixed the issues mentioned. looking much better!
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    I love how you're single-handedly powering Africa with a Docker container
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    I have a website. It's all static html and pure content without bs animations and js. Just to give people what they want to find.
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    @b3b3 Its probably what we should all be doing :-D
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    Damn it looks fantastic. The only two things that kinda sprung out to me where the circles (or rather their icons) aren't centered and the background color of the dark boxes is a bit wrong. It looks too greenish compared to the background. Maybe a bit lighter shade would look better too
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    @12bitfloat aaah thats a little one i was ignoring , fixing it thanks
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    @RememberMe So i have re-arranged a few things to get closer to the camera and get more visible, added some emission on the wires and added some ports . still working on the lighting though but this is pretty good i think,

    its on the site too, i think it looks amazing
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    Shape and spelling
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    Loads fast ๐Ÿ‘Œ. Design's good ๐Ÿ˜„.
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    Why do you NEED TO SHOUT
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    @electrineer I thought maybe it's important to highlight the important things on the sentence
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    @kayb01000010 fixed all except shape, tnx!
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    @letterman electrineer has a problem with everything. Don't mind him too much. ๐Ÿ˜….
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    @Jaspreet3480 sure you would. Everyone says that but you never get the time ๐Ÿ˜.

    16++ ๐Ÿคจ. New ranter ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Welcome here ๐Ÿ˜„. Most of us just joke around. Don't take anything said here too seriously, dude/dudette ๐Ÿ˜….
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    Looks very nice! I like the colors.
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    @letterman Try to instead make the text bold or underlining it. Using caps Dienst look good.
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