Tell me something about JAVA 😏😁

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    Compile with -script to make it run in the browser
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    it's better that PHP.
    change my mind
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    Same as @kgbemployee, I like that it brings me money.
    Modern Java projects might be generated code from a yml now, so you don't even write most of it, but only implement some additional stuff.
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    "goto" and "const" are both reserved words, but neither have ever been implemented, so you can't actually use them for anything.
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    It's like a father to me
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    It's fun to make games with it. Not for the enduser but for you as coder.
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    It's a strongly-typed programming language, compiled into bytecode. Once compiled it can be run on a JVM - java virtual machine. JVM can be attached to, monitored, tweaked. Java applications can hot-swap running code on-line, without any outage.

    Its development kit was built and released by SUN microsystems as a SUN JDK. Later on rebranded to OpenJDK. All the source and built-in tools are open-sourced, completely free and accessible at OpenJDK's project webpage.
    Then there is OracleJDK which has been recently commercialized. Many people still believe it's the original, the _real_ java. Well it's not. There's nothing to whine about.

    Same Java code can run on all platforms that can run a JVM, which makes it a cross-platform language. It has its own built-in graphics libraries for desktop apps. It is also perfect for webapps. It sucks for web frontend (JSP/JSF) and not the best choice for embedded systems.

    Overall - Java is an amazing language and JVM is an amazing tool
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    update availeble
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    This compiles and runs (when placed in main) with no errors:

    Integer i = null;


    This does not:

    Integer i;

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    I like it since React and Angular use it
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    It's one of the world's top 3 programming languages
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    It's a strongly-typed object-oriented language where classes are limited to a single implementation and extension. It's usually compiled in an intermediate language which is interpreted by a virtual machine (Java Virtual Machine or JVM) which uses a stack-based architecture (other "jvm" and also compilers to machine language exist but are not commonly used). Java best features are that it can be platform-independent, lightweight and rarely allows the programmer to write horrible code. On the other hand its programs are usually not as fast as some other languages and its code is not "beautiful" for advanced programming.
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    I can slap my php bitch around and have something up and running in minutes/hours unlike my cranky hoe Java who wants to be treated right while having a hissy fit she didn't get her pills for the day.
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    @alexbrooklyn please explain. I'm more lost now then the first time I wrote a Java class.
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    It's an island in Indonesia.

    (surprised nobody has said that yet)
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    An island in Indonesia, also another name for coffee (see also “Joe”) and an object oriented programming language
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    Generics are trash, no operator overloading, system libraries are stupid sometimes. It gets the job done but it's not pretty. C# is better in every aspect
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    It is indeed called streams and it's a joke.
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    It's the most popular herd language. Mega corporations employ teams of Java developers to cooperate to obfuscate the code beyond all recognition by a single developer.
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    @rutee07 what a honest man
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    It’s shit
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    @Pickman frankly I cannot think of a class model having multiple implementations.

    Sounds like a Schroodinger's class having schidzophrenia :)
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    It's not javascript
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    Is an island of Indonesia
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    Java has a song titled "Java Life" - https://youtube.com/watch/...
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    Took a bit longer for the Java haters to come out of the woodwork than I expected 😂
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    It's short for javascript
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    @zankar lol .... It's actually long 4 JavaScript if you count the lines of code.
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    @IAmAnIssue which makes sense because in the latter case i is undefined whereas the first one will just throw. In c++ the second one would compile because the Integer constructor would be called
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    @zankar Ooohhhhhh, you didn't 😂
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    @AlmondSauce 😂😂 sorry not sorry 😁
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    It's !JavaScript
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    @netikras in theory you could have multiple interfaces implemented in some languages. I think it's probably better not to, especially if the two interfaces have conflicting methods.
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    @Pickman so it's interface implementations, not class? Implementing multiple interfaces by the same class is in fact quite handy :) I do use it a lot
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    @netikras you do not implement classes you extend them.
    I mean multiple implementation is useful but it can be dangerous.
    E.g. A implements B, C.
    B has method run(), returns an int.
    C has method run(), returns an int.
    An implementation of B should return 0 when the run is successful, an implementation of C should return 1 instead. Implementing run() is now problematic.
    Notice that my first post mentioned single implementations and that's absolutely wrong. I have a class I wrote that implements three interfaces in front of my eyes right now.
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    Hi friends, tell us about your experience of ordering custom Java development services. Java development is a wide and fascinating world and I will need help of professionals to realize my project.
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    A couple of months ago, I was faced with the task of developing a custom Java application for my business. Since I am not a developer myself, I had to look for professional Custom Java Development services. The process was exciting and sometimes challenging, but in the end the result lived up to expectations.
  • 0
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    In conclusion, choosing Java custom development professionals is an important step for the success of your project.
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