
Hey JavaScripters, it's October already. Time to find a replacement for React.

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    This rant was inspired (but not sponsored) by the following article: https://hackernoon.com/how-it-feels...
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    I agree.
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    I created a slack team for people who are done with the current javascript landscape.

    You can join here https://revivejs-slack.herokuapp.com/...

    I won't be on any more tonight but there are already some people hanging out there.
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    I got a headache after 5 minutes of reading it, it really is crazy in the front end this days.
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    Never used React so i am good
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    Don't worry the library I'm writing, OktoberfestJS will be done shortly.
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    Heh, I still haven't bothered with React either. Fantastic little article, btw -- reading to the end without being utterly lost felt like victory.
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    Umm. I don't get it. Why is everyone hating react here?
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    @tahnik Its not about hating React. Its about hating the 494857483828 JS libraries which come out each day. :)
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    @arekxv but I think people who don't know react is getting a bad impression about it here (@nblackburn and @zourtney). React was build to be modular like this so that you can pick the right component for yourself. Complaining about react is kind of like complaining about custom pc cause you have find your right tools and build it yourself.
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    @tahnik And all that I can say for Angular or emberJS and many others like those :)
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    @arekxv AngularJS is a mvw itself. None of them is this much modular like react stack.
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    @tahnik I would disagree. Both React and Angular do the same thing, they just have different approach to it. But I guess that just my opinion :)
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    Also, always comparing jquery and react. Yes, both of them is for DOM manipulation but they have two completely different focus. Not trying this frameworks because you can do it with Jquery is ridiculous
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    @tahnik react as an idea is pretty great BUT the execution and the time it gets to setup a build env is just unreal .
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    @arekxv react is a view only framework. So it's not the same ;)
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    @skonteam it's true. But only for the first time. I have created a boilerplate for myself and it takes me a minute to setup a new project with redux, Router and server side rendering :)
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    @tahnik I know what React is and wasn't complaining.
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    Feels so good to read this being a server side programmer.
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    @Jase Its all about the use case for me. I don't try to push a specific library because I just like it. And Vanilla JS is good until you need to make a client side app. Then an organized library with clearly defined components is what you really need, otherwise you might end up inventing your own structure which can both be costly and might not be good on a longer run (unless of course you reaally know what you are doing). :)
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    @Jase I hate the circle jerk surrounding it and also the fact it introduces patents in to the open source world.
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    @arekxv I appreciate someone that understands the place of a framework instead of blindly defending it whenever it gets brought up.

    Kudos to you.
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    Move on to typeScript
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    @pptyasar That isn't a replacement to React, it's a superset of JavaScript but even that has it's own issues.
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    not replacement but ready to fight
    with react
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    @pptyasar You can't even draw a comparison between the two.
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    I think

    angular+typeScript = react
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    @pptyasar The comparison is with Angular not TypeScript.
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    @pptyasar The better comparision to TypeScript would be Flow
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    And he just wrote it in Java <3 Fuck that js jungle..
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    @pptyasar No that is wrong. TypeScript is a language you can use it to build both angular or react app.

    React is a view component technology it is the same thing as angular directive the view part of angular.

    Angular is a full fledge application framework react is a component library you need to use something else like Flux or Redux to handle state and model changes.

    So no comparing a language with a framework is just wrong.
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    Wow, this thread blew up. I wasn't hating on React either -- just too busy with existing projects to give it a hard look.
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    I read that same hacker moon article. I was genuinely exhausted after reading it.
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    Still looking for one
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