I've been noticing people making these 2-5 paragraph long posts on Linkedin talking about all their offers and who they end up picking. Usually pretty cringy and I stop reading by 1st paragraph. Is this actually normal and should interns be doing this?

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    give us an example please :)
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    Also, hey welcome to DevRant!
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    I think it’s one of those things. Some people are internally motivated. The things that drive them come from somewhere within them and they feel no need for external validation in order to accomplish their goals. Others are externally motivated and need that external validation in order to feel comfortable pushing forward. In addition to that, some people crave social status and feel that advertising things like that they had a choice of employers and their reasoning for choosing the one they eventually went with will boost their hiring potential in the future.

    But what’s common isn’t always what’s best. It’s common for people to post photos of their food on the internet. Is it a valuable use of one’s time? You be the judge.
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    Let your actions speak, not your words.
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    @heyheni You know, the usual: I'm very glad to announce that I went to a top CS school and surprise surprise I'm interning at FANG.
    I'd like to thank my recruiter and the people who took my interview.
    *attaches photo in front of campus*
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    @jallman112 Glad to be here :)
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    @lf6648 It's a goldmine
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    @rutee07 *Charles Darwin MAX*
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    @AmyShackles That is very well written and also very true
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