Not trying to start a debate on which editor is best.
Sorry if repeated question.

Which code editor / text editor do you guys use, and why?

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    I used to use brackets but i stopped a few months ago bc I stopped liking it lmao
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    Notepad++. Fast, and the features that I don't need don't get in my way.
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    Depends on language.

    Shell -- vim, and only vim. Writing shell scripts in shell env gets me going faster. And I really like vim's key mappings and all the whistles. Writing shell scripts with gui editor feels like.. Idk.. Like using a 4k monitor only for listening to spotify.

    Java -- intelliJ. I think this one does not need explanations :)
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    I love VSCode for the snippet creation. API calls get so much easier because you can type things yoi actually remember.
    But compiled languages are hard to set up with the tools and therefor VisualStudio for C# and C++. But if they make it easier I would instantly switch.
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    IntelliJ for Java
    DataGrip for DBs

    Vim when I do something in Terminal or simply don‘t feel like using Notepad/TextEdit for quicker stuff

    TextWrangler, had it for years and got to like it, even though it has no code completion whatsoever
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    @possum Also fiddling around with Atom to maybe replace TextWrangler (and because it runs on Win/Mac/Linux)
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    It depends on the project, actually!
    I tend to use atom for angular related projects
    Coda2 for WordPress projects
    VisualStudio for unity/c# projects
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    Eclipse / Spring Tool Suite for Java
    WebStorm for Javascript/Nodejs, constantly alternating with VS Code as the former hogs my memory
    Notepad++ for scribbling and taking notes
    Vim for all scripting (most importantly to enforce LF instead of CRLF)
    Discontinued SublimeText, Brackets and Atom, as I found them redundant with VS Code
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    A terminal editor called micro (its on github)
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    @rEaL-jOkEr that's not being maintained anymore, and the lack of a tabbed document interface alone is reason enough for me not to try it. I want to be able to search in all opened documents, not only in all files in a directory.
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    Most of my work is front-end. I mainly use VS Code. I use it because I tried out a bunch of other stuff and that was the one that I liked the best.

    If you work on a Unix-based system, then you should know how to use vi. Vi is the one editor that is virtually guaranteed to be in every single distribution of Unix-based operating systems.

    Other stuff I have used: Atom, Sublime, Notepad++, emacs, Notepad, probably other stuff that I don't remember.

    Short version: Get some recommendations, try a few different things, use whatever works for you.
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    I don't like the question but... NeoVim + deoplete and LanguageClient addons + LanguageServers for C, Python, PHP, Bash, Coffeescript and Java.
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    I use vim for everything. Code, markup, notes, scratch pad, to-do lists, etc.

    I use it because in almost twenty years I still don't know everything about it. The universe of features it offers is staggering, and it's all available without needing to run a graphical environment.
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    Visual Studio Code
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    If possible, vim. Sometimes vscode for showcasing to others.
    For work intellij.
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    sublime for desktop, ne for terminal shizzle
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    I do almost all my editing in the browser. So the question becomes which is the best browser? moar popcorn pls
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    Vim/Mousepad/Eclipse - My Big Three
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    Vscode for most things, vim for shell scripts, c and simpler python scripts, code::blocks for cpp.
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    Python, JS - VSCode
    C# - VSCode, VS (depends on the application)
    C, C++ - ST3, Notepad++, Vim, or Nano. (Depends on the system I’m on)
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    Thanks for the opinion everyone, at the moment I'm using Atom, kinda feel like testing out VS code.
    I used Notepad++ before during college programming classes but switched to Atom because I didn't know that Notepad++ had a file tree view function.

    Also curious to see what Vim and Emacs are like.

    Might give these editors a try once I've finished my tasks.
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    @CrimsonZ the tree view function is ok-ish, but takes forever to launch. if you have np++ open all the time, it's no problem, but if you want it to launch quickly, you better turn it off...
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    Phpstorm / VsCode / Sublime Text
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