I did it! I told her. I admitted that I have a crush on her. It was awesome, we were in her room, chilling and having Belgian beer and looking over at the beautiful dome of Les Invalids and the lights of Paris through her window. It was raining a little bit. All perfect.
I told her how I really enjoyed her company and how I found her really cool and interesting and how I had a not so small crush on her. She was very surprised but she was glad I told her. I'm really proud that I did something so big.

Oh, she said no btw.

  • 5
    @irene and that's done :p
  • 4
    @irene the other onneee! The one I was actually interested in, remember?
  • 6
    @irene I'm going to draft my life story into a mini series and send it to you on Telegram.
  • 4
    Good job dude! I know how you feel; I also told my crush a couple of years ago and she said no as well. But I ended up with my wife who is a real winner. It'll all work out in the end 🙂
  • 2
    This made my anxiety worse! But congrats for having balls to do it!
  • 5
    First step is hearing no. Once you have heard it enough its not as scary and you are more relaxed and automatically your ration yes/no will go up ;)
  • 0
    That's a lot of patting on the back. Thanks people. :D

    Where's the fun in life if you're not pushing yourself to do stuff that makes you anxious or feel rejected from time to time. My policy is simple. If you're not getting yourself into awkward, anxious or disappointing situations on a regular basis, you're sitting ducks in your comfort zone and not really enjoying enough. Simple. :p
  • 1
    @exceptionalGuy great outlook on life, you know inspired me to be better, at least today! Have a good day/night mate and good luck!
  • 0
    I'm happy that you're happy but please don't girlfriend-zone her. That's just bad for you
  • 0
    @12bitfloat uncaught exception MethodNotFoundException
  • 0
    @Nanos Yeah, I was willing to take that risk. Idk she's a cool person so she might not distance herself. Also, since I use humour to diffuse everything, it might not be as bad.

    I don't think people would find me a very physically attractive person. I've been told I can be quite charming otherwise but I completely agree with your opinion. Off to workout now. :p
  • 0
    O-M-G. Telling you have a crush on her. Of course she said no, that's the likely result of such a clumsy approach. The upside is that you don't waste even more time on it.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop Yeah, that's me clumsy and awkward. :p
    But what do you reckon I should have done instead?
  • 0
    @irene well I'm pro at "hanging out". After a point, I become their best friend and hangout buddy coz I'm sooo good. 😒
    Doesn't work for me.
  • 0
    @irene I've had and still have enough options for those, believe me. I don't want a fuck buddy. I want something a little more special and nice. Is that too much to ask?
  • 0
    @irene lel, I'm 23. :p
  • 0
    @irene well companionship is crucial regardless of age. 🤷
  • 0
    @irene Well I'm not looking for a soulmate coz I'm Indian and arranged marriages ftw (or fml). I'm looking for someone I genuinely enjoy hanging out with and do weird stuff with. A girlfriend is just how things seem to work here in Paris. I'd honestly be perfectly happy with a commited friendship. xD
  • 0
    @Nanos It's a friend by Duck Test. :p
    No, honestly I'll take anything now to make me feel less lonely. I hangout with so many "wrong" people just to get away from myself.
  • 0
    @Nanos @irene I've tried the different options and I find the wrong people who give me some amount of attention is better than nothing. I put up with their shit in exchange for human interaction. xD

    And yeah, I'm not against arranged marriages as such. But it would have been nice to have a choice. Or if my potential match wasn't restricted by geography, language, religion, caste and friggin place and time of birth.
  • 0
    @irene that is indeed my middle name. :D
  • 0
    @Nanos uhh ... That's terrible. I'm glad you saw yourself out of it.
  • 0
    @Nanos I'll keep that in mind. I'm one of those "die for your love" kinds too.
  • 0
    @irene haha I do agree, it's kinda stupid to give someone that kind of control over you. I don't literally mean die really, I kinda like my life but you get the drift.
  • 0
    @exceptionalGuy you should have acted. And no, hanging out isn't acting. It follows that in the specific situation, there's nothing you could have done because it was already by far too late. You were already in the friendzone because you've acted as a friend all along.
  • 0
    @irene most women don't want nor respect an "I'd die for you" man.

    The logic goes like this: if that guy were among the top 10% of men, he wouldn't die for me because he would have more than enough other women interested in him. Conclusion: he'd die for me because he's a loser.
  • 3
    Well, if you play this right you’ve got the ultimate wingman. Congrats on shooting your shot. We regret the didn’ts much more than the dids usually
  • 2
    Cool ! Sounds great!!
    Since I never had crush on anyone can't relate (not sure if that's normal :/)
  • 1
    @R1100 definitely uncommon but you may be asexual or (I forget the word) the type that doesn’t get feelings for someone until you know that person a bit.
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