Am I the only one who thinks OSX is stupidly insecure unless you encrypt the whole disk? I mean, how dumb is it to boot into safe moot and provide a root shell without prompting for credentials?

  • 1
    Yes and no tbh, yes if it is a laptop which could be stolen then yes root shell without creds is stupid.

    But in-case of an iMac, mac mini I don't think this is a security issue, or at least a huge one.
  • 7
    Really any unencrypted hard drive is unsecured. I guess having that reality shoved in your face with the easy root shell access is the kicker huh
  • 2
    My arse is secure. It's even booby trapped
  • 5
    It doesn't matter. If you truly want to protect your files, encrypt your drive.
    Even Linux allows Root access through recovery options. (I don't know about Windows) but I can easily put in a usb, go into live Linux session and access your drives anyway.

    Bottom line: If anyone has access to your machine, they can access all your files ( unless they are encrypted) no matter which OS you put.

    So the option to access Root directly is very useful in case you forget your password or for any reason unable to log in.
  • 1
    I know what you mean but Windows recovery console prompts for administrator's password
  • 2
    @FuckJava does it matter? If I steal your computer, I can do whatever I want.
  • 1
    @FuckJava There are ways to bypass auth completely in Windows using a Windows live usb. I can have access to admin account without password
  • 2
    Yes. But if I've stepped out of the office for lunch my colleagues can't access my nudes on my Windows machine by simply holding Windows+S during boot
  • 2
    @redman Yes. I already said
    > If you truly want to protect your files, encrypt your drive
  • 2
    I like the way Arse sounds. I live with 50 million kangaroos, yes. But luckily my accent is very non-British. English is, like, my 4th language
  • 1
    @FuckJava True. But again if I wanted to get into your machine, I would keep a Linux bootable usb with me. It would take less than 10 mins to take the files probably. 🤷
  • 1
    My machine doesn't boot from USB. You'd need to physically open it to clear CMOS. Good luck doing that while I'm getting a burger
  • 1
    @FuckJava A determined individual would go to any lengths.
  • 0
    I know. I'm merely interested in protecting my nudes and my pornhub bookmarks during lunch. I'm not trying to stop the 13 year old who hacked Apple twice from seeing my hairy arse
  • 0
  • 0
    I'm seriously RoFL
  • 0
    I know Aussies have a reputation of not using protection, but I'm proud to say I use condoms on my fingers whenever I have to touch Java
  • 0
    Only when I'm coding in Java.
  • 0

    Commodore 64 is more secure.
  • 1
    Security is a process, not a product. Saying things like "Windows is insecure" or "Linux is insecure" doesn't make much sense.

    It would be more appropriate to say "on my system, macOS is configured in an insecure way" which immediately leads to the process "I have to secure my system".
  • 1
    I love your thinking. Let's get married and secure Macs for a living
  • 1
    @irene 💔
  • 1
    Of course macOS is not secure. All you need to do is inserting an 'r', and everyone knows where that ends.
  • 0
    I had to reinstall macOS yesterday as “System” was taking up 64GB of my 128GB drive and now by default it asks you if you want to encrypt your system drive. So if you turn it off, I’m coming to hack you 😂
  • 2
    @irene I would prefer this procedure: Sell the Mac, use the money to buy a decent laptop and a used car.
  • 0
    "Safe moot" 🤣

    You're not wrong...
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