Finally got my Hackintosh working. Took me fuckin 3 days to figure out how to get the sound working lmao

  • 7
    If only the entire world followed common numerical conventions
    4,01 looks so weird, the mathematically correct 4.01 is so much nicer
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    @RememberMe I second that as person who lives in a comma decimal seperator country.

    It makes programmers life a lot easier as well
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    Late 2015 is necessary? Dec or Nov would've been enough
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    @RememberMe It gets even better, in Slovakia we use "·" for multiplication, but some people write it at the bottom of the line. (even when writing by hand) this drives me crazy. 2.4 = 2 times 4

    btw we use spaces for separating thousands. That is fine, at least it's not ambiguous.
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    You could have installed Windows instead.
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    @RememberMe 16,35.3+23,07 = 72,12
    Also 4.01 = 4
  • 3
    @underscores In Vietnam:
    - 1 to 5 grade's textbooks use cross for multiplication.
    - 6+ grades use the normal period for multiplication.
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    @leduyquang753 in germany too. I guess they started using • so the students wont get confused with the cross and x in functions.
    I personally use * as multiplication sign, nobody thought me so, I don't even know if its a proper sign, but the teachers understand what I mean so idc
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    Installed Mojave a few weeks ago. Booted it like 2 or 3 times. Now it just sits there..
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    @leduyquang753 i set up a dualboot so I can still play games if my addiction forces me to
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    @jespersh I love macos lmao. it's 100 times better than designing & coding on windows
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    @jespersh idk, Mac is fine for me. The only thing I do is coding, video editing and designing. And for that, macos is so much better imo
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    @theKarlisK I tried virt-manager in ubuntu first but it was crap bc I didn't want to spend money on a usb thing that works in macos. So I decided to make a hackintosh, so no virtualization
  • 3
    I switched from using an MBP (when working at home) to a Hacktinosh last year, it’s been perfectly fine. The lack of 10-series drivers for Mojave is an annoyance, but bar that I’ve no complaints. Wouldn’t think twice about building another, sure as hell beats paying Apple tax.
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    @dontbeevil Funny how you shit on people Software/Hardware preferences and then start screeching autistically whenever someone criticizes M$ (Yes I still write it like that and I will until God decides otherwise. Yes, it is still the fucking 90's in my timeline and I am racing my Nissan GTR Skyline R32 V-spec against Takumi Fujiwara's Toyota AE86 down Mount Akina Hill while Bill Gates is ruthlessly applying his "Embrace Extend Extinguish" dick strategy. Deal with it!)

    Treat people as you wish to be treated.

    P.S. I am by no means a fan of apple so let's not play that crappy card too.
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    @dontbeevil No. It's because on many many comments (including an earlier reply to mine) you get butthurt and start calling people childish and ignorant just because they didn't like something M$ did and expressed their opinion about it. Doing so, then shitting on Apple/Mac is just hypocritical af.

    Oh and unlike your sorry ass (M$ fanboy), I'm not a fanboy of any software/hardware products (I'm not a faggot). I just see what's good and bad about products and choose according you my use cases. Becomes shitty? No use. Becomes better? Use.

    Hoping this brief explanation can find a way inside your thick skull.
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    @asgs idk if its necessary, I'm glad I got it running at all XD also, I don't rly wanna change anything in the config although I could but I'm too lazy atm
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    @dUcKtYpEd you should give it a try, isn't that hard actually, I might be able to help you out, add me on discord: code_alex#6748
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    @CodeAlex I was referring to the text "Late 2015"
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    @b3b3 the same here * is less ambiguous, it was fine but also not taught
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    Believe me you made a mistake .. hackintosh is shit and guess what Mac is shit too... Use Linux and your laptop will thank you.
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    @bitjedi nah I'm fine with Mac. Also, tell me how you run the Adobe cc on linux
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