
Heard a CEO say at a conference that they hire the most competent candidate. Unless there is a woman in the candidates. Then they hire the woman.
That seems pretty sexist to me.

  • 2
    Yes and no. Maybe they are just trying to create diversity?
  • 46
    @ReverendLovejoy forced diversity is useless
  • 2
    By deciding that a woman can never be the most competent candidate?

    If it's a good paying job I don't mind applying though, they won't expect anything of a measly incompetent woman, so should be an easy ride. ;)
  • 7
    That's what happens when you have idiotic policies pushed down from top level management like "50% of our (95% male) workforce need to be women by (1 year from now)".
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    First, it is impossible to know for sure during hiring process if a person is better than the other. It might look better but turn out to be a problem. So this isn't really an issue.

    Furthermore, until now (still happens) many women were not hired because they "could" get pregnant and disturb the work. Well, doing this for a while as a way of compensating centuries of discrimination is not a big deal. And whatever, usually managers are hired among the incompetent pool so I don't see any problem in hiring a woman a bit less experienced.
  • 4
    If there are two women in the candidates, they hire the black one because while being a woman is good, not being a white woman is even better.

    Being a white or Asian man of course means you're totally worthless trash. That's "progressive" these days.
  • 4
    @RantSomeWhere it's actually what Github was promoting. This shithead company promoted sexism and racism under the guise of diversity: https://businessinsider.de/diversit...

    It's also why I'm not on Github, because I don't feel welcome there given my colour and sex. I mean, a Jew wouldn't sign up with a Nazi company either, right?
  • 0
    @RantSomeWhere what I wonder is if "gender should not be a factor" is now because of this or if a woman isn't hired because the risk of pregnancy you'd also say it? Of if you said it in the past when people wouldn't cry about sjw
  • 1
    And then they wonder why on earth some straight white men don't understand that they should just go and die under a bridge and instead vote conservative parties. Must be because they're nazis.
  • 8
    Imagine you need a brain surgery for you or a loved one... and the surgeon is operating you not because of qualification and experience but because of genitalia he/she has. Or a pilot or a teacher or an athlete.. Progressive left is progressive..
  • 1
    This is sexist, but it can be taken in two ways.
    The first is the obvious "women are never the most competent," which is a fair reading, and presumes a lower average. However, I find the other is probably more likely to occur.
    Say we have 5 candidates who are all highly competent, 3 women and 2 men. We don't know for certain right now which one is the most competent, could be a man, could be a woman.
    According to this CEO, we automatically drop the 2 men from the pool, and only choose from the women. In this way, we have just discriminated against the men by action. Remember, we don't know who the most competent person in this is. Could be a man, could be a woman, but we'll never know for sure now because we eliminated 2/5 of the group. Now we can only find the most competent woman.
    Now imagine that with 30 candidates split up however you want with at least 3 of each sex. That's why there are people against this stuff. No different than if biological sex were swapped to race, etc.
  • 0
    @irene If they are, I agree. Names in a hat, RNG, whatever. But only for very similar candidates, both in their knowledge and personality, as the latter may indicate a better fit at the company. But knowledge should be weighted more heavily.
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    @agarrido Your reasoning seems to be "interviews are useless, and women were discriminated against many years ago, ergo men should now be treated less favourably in interviews."

    I'm not following your line of thinking there.
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    @kenogo I've been asked questions like that previously in a similar setting. My favourite answer to them all is "I'd prefer not to say".

    If they want to guess whether I'm gay and identify as a coffee mug then that's on them, but as far as I'm concerned it's nothing to do with my competency for the role, so none of their business.
  • 2
    @RantSomeWhere the gender pay gap is a long dispelled myth. If you really could get the exact same work cheaper from women, companies wouldn't hire men anymore to maximise profit. It's capitalism, baby!
  • 1
    @Nanos It's not like underpopulation were one of humanity's most concerning problems right now...
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    @Nanos high IQ has always been a negative in producing offspring, that's nothing new. The same effect would hit in without any migration from anyone anywhere else.

    If you have highly intelligent people, they WILL delay their offspring production in favour of education, and even if they produce their 2.1 offspring per couple, their generational turnover will be longer. They will be outproduced by thugs knocking up some 16 year olds.

    And given how Western family laws are stacked against fathers, I decided to have 0.0 offspring. Problem solved, at least for me.
  • 0
    @kenogo I'd still say "I'd rather not say" even in that case. Nothing to do with the job, so not information I'd be willing to provide.
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    @RantSomeWhere They have to, because even if they want a family, we're not in the 1970s anymore where the a single income could feed a family.

    On the other hand, income by capital has exploded since then. The Quandt family gets THREE MILLION EUR through their ownership of BMW shares. Not annually, not monthly. DAILY.
  • 2
    So this is how it feels to have the top rant of the day 😅
  • 3
    @ReverendLovejoy forced diversity is a form of discrimination.
  • 1
    no, that's equality as defined and required by feminism
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    If you are running a company then you'd want the best people to be employed in it regardless of gender. Any thing else is going to harm the company.
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    I will say that having more women provides better solutions and products since the team will be less likely to fall victim to groupthink. So even if they aren't the absolute most competent in skills, they still provide a valuable resource that would be missed.
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    @irene yes of course, but not as diversely as a team with diversity
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    @irene okay then we disagree and that's fine.
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    @irene it's only what I've learned in various management classes and experienced
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  • 1
    Probably, that also depends on the product that's being developed.

    If it's user facing and you have only hardcore CS geeks in the team, the result will probably be super cool tech with garbage UI and shitty workflow because there's nobody in the team who thinks even remotely like the other 99% of the population.

    However, that doesn't get better just because 30% of these hardcore CS geeks happen to have a vagina. This kind of "diversity" is a myth.

    Include people over 50 who can't read your crappy 10 px grey-on-grey fonts, include red/green blind folks, include people suffering from Parkinson who have to use the keyboard, and a Jew who tells you that your red/white/black colour scheme looks like a Nazi flag that will field a shitstorm.

    Also, grab John or Jane from the room cleaning staff. Let them try buying a ticket on your totally confusing vending machine and have them say it's full of shit, that helps.
  • 1
    @irene I thought Asians were Asians because they were from Asia?
  • 0
    @LynxMagnus no they just star in the "Asian porn" category, with enough makeup.
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