
I know it's not a story and also not a joke or meme but then also I want to share it because this gives me goose bumps

This photo won award for best photo and led the photographer into depression.

The cheetahs chased the mother deer and her 2 fawns(baby deers), the mother could've easily outrun cheetahs but instead she offered herself to cheetahs so that her kids can manage to run safety.

In this picture she is looking at her babies running safely as she is about to get torn into pieces.

She is about to get torn to pieces but she is dosen't look a bit hesitated.
That's mother for you!!

  • 49
    "Being A Woman"... What a joke.

    We as a society have clearly forgotten how much men and fathers have and are sacrificing. This is not to take away from what women and mothers contribute but dumb messages like these cause more problems.

    The message should've been about parental love and sacrifice. Any father and mother would've done the same and trying to argue against that is plain wrong.
  • 21
    She doesnt look hesitant because her facial structure doesnt allow her to express emotions. I mean yeah, cool story and it deserved to win whatever prize, but that antelope (i think, but that aint a deer) is just doing what every animal is programmed to do, its not like its heroic or anything.
  • 1
    @Alice I did not want to ++ but you got -- so I had to fix it :D
  • 5
    @MrCSharp Western society thinks it's fine when the only role a father is allowed AND forced play is being a pay slave (if necessary with TWO jobs) who doesn't even see his kids. Now that's sacrifice, albeit one fewer and fewer men are willing to make.
  • 6
    @MrCSharp no, dont you see that the message of the picture is that women regularly murder and consume other women?
  • 3
    Easily outrunning a cheetah eh? That'd be a fuckin first.
  • 0
    To be honest two small baby deers wouldnt have been enough for three adult cheetas. The deer would have been hunted after they slaughterd her children.
  • 13
    Who was the asshole who put "being women" instead of "being mother"?!

    Clear feminist propaganda to vallainify male population.

  • 0
    @ganjaman Nice observation there 😜
  • 1
    @Alice I can't speak for you because for every rule there are exceptions. But it is not a lie. Parents do that, and they do it to the best of their knowledge and ability.

    And in any case, take your experience and use it to be a better parent for the little devil spawn you'll bring to this god-forsaken planet.
  • 6

    Just stop.
  • 0
    @NOPSledRider In a straight line it cannot outrun them, however when it runs in zigzags it makes faster curves than a cheetah
  • 3
    @Frederick Did you miss the W that the legs form? It's obviously a rallying call for women to abandon WordPress and make the internet great again.
  • 14
    Fact check:

    Result of fact check: false story, on all accounts.

    93.7% of all viral stories that contain instances of animals exhibiting human behaviour are false.

    Also don't believe all statistics that other people quote you on the Internet. Especially if they provide no source.
  • 1
    wow, this is high level shitposting, didn't even include a link to anything described

    @ganjaman nice rundown of all the bullshit
  • 1
    @jesustricks i just wanna add that the cheetah on the right doesnt accomplish anything, her fangs wont pierce flesh like that
  • 0
    @rutee07 sidetracking a bit here

    do you upload to pornhub? im pretty sure sharing that would be very popular on dR, or do you just comment tease?
  • 4
    Yeah, the story, even if it wasn't debunked, is extremely hard to believe. No animal-parent would sacrifice its own life, as doing so would condemn its offspring to starvation and predation.
  • 2
    Not to mention that the offspring would most likely not run away even if this story was true. Baby animals tend to stick to their mothers, no matter what is happening to the mother...
  • 0
    @kamt I'm sorry if I was too harsh, I'm being honest tho
  • 0
    @bahua @wizzzard depends on the age, dont know much about *impalas, but animals in packs (wolves) can be seen doing something similar if it benefits the pack.

    Then again, yes, little cubs would survive for another 8 minutes tops.
  • 6
    This photo makes me hungry.

    Anyone else up for a double cheeseburger with extra mom?

    I consider myself a feminist, but the truth of nature is that the struggle of the strong vs the weak, the struggle for survival, is embedded very deep within each of us.

    We're not literally ripping each other's throats out (most of the time), and it's not always gender-related — plenty of predatory women out there.

    Culturally, there are differences between moms and dads and boys and girls — naturally, not that much. This picture could just as well have been a father antelope being eaten by two female cheetahs, nature's gonna nature.

    The best you can do is try to remind people that humans are a social species which are strongest in a communal mode based on ethics, communication and trust — but also grow some fangs to defend yourself with when necessary.

  • 0
    @ganjaman i dunno about that
    a cheeatah once bit my dick off clean...
    long story short, I'm a black woman now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 1
    @bittersweet nobel prize best comment.

    also "burger with extra mom" made my mouth to water, more so if she's lactacting ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
  • 2
    This photo lmaoo i am pretty sure you saw some whatsapp forward with this cringey ass shit..


    Read the photographers facebook post:

  • 0
    I like the photo and the concept but perhaps it's a bit sexist to associate something so inherently motherly with being a woman. I don't know anything about women but if one would not want kids this would tell her that this heroic example is how she should be. And it involves having kids. What mothers can do is heroic, not just when they do the ultimate sacrifice but it's not something I expect all women to do. There are other ways for women to be their best selves.
  • 0
    @Pickman the photo is also fake
  • 2
    @iampoppyxx *photo -> story
  • 0
    @iampoppyxx too bad. I liked the concept.
  • 2
    @kamt don't sweat it, everyone makes mistakes. No one would have given a shit if you posted this in random. FYI quora is full of morons, and I know that because I check it almost daily. Also they have a severe bias against men. One person did a test. They made 2 almost exact copies of a question.
    1. Should women have a say in what men do with their bodies?
    2. Should men have a say in what women do with their bodies?
    Guess what? 1 had no issues while 2 was flagged by quora and not posted.
  • 4
    In a world where, ANNUALLY, 60 million mothers choose to abort their children and a vast majority of them are doing so for mere career or lifestyle convenience, I call B.S.
  • 0
    @stackodev there is a saying between those who support that decision "lethal injections for babies, not for criminals"
  • 1
    @Alice quora is pretty much the worst of the worst, both extremes jumbled up together.
  • 0
    @norman70688 the cheetas on the picture are all female, there isn't a single male in the photograph so I was very confused about the caption on the picture
  • 0
    I actually shed a tear
  • 1
    @nothappy because of the fake story?
  • 3
    The image is deep, but the text looks linke an unnecessary feminazi propaganda.
  • 5
    Cisgender white men: exist
  • 3
    @Alice let's be serious here, my example is true and there are plenty of radical "feminists" that believe that while your example is at most a response to the #girlpower movement. Todays feminism is no longer about equality, that issue was solved long ago. The gender pay gap was debunked countless times. At this point feminism is a movement for the superiority of women not the equality between the genders. Men are way more "opressed" than women
  • 4
  • 0
    @dudeking It's funny how much women/men, mother's/father's, parents/children get mentioned here as some sort of neatly homogenously divided subgroups, as hive-minded cults governed by a single purpose.

    Many human parents will die for their offspring, many will throw 'em in front of a train for a bit of cash.

    Many women and men are amazing, and just as many are total trash.

    The clans are not divided along easily definable lines. It would make it simpler to judge people.

    Without the misguided tools of preconception you actually have to get to know humans.

    It's awful, I know. But necessary.
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