  • 19
    -1 for ignoring woman developers, bisexuals and homosexuals ¬¬
  • 23
    @jarzinyolo @cors Yeah, because nothing makes a joke more clear that putting a fuckton of different genders in it instead of focusing on the age and job.
  • 2
    it's not the visuals, "partners" instead of "girls" would do the job.
  • 39
    Shit. Now we got feminist developers too. Well, I was looking for a new profession anyways.
  • 6
  • 11
    @cors so... Female programmers can't like girls?
    So closed minded of you.
    Partners sounds way too serious by the way, don't think that's what the joke intended.
  • 2
    Pretty sure the image is a man.. no, male programmers can't be female
  • 1
    @forkbomber in my former job, male colleagues always used to take female ones for granted, although they were great coders. assuming the women can't code (or engineer) properly is a very widespread conception, and these kind of jokes help this culture cultivate (why am i even reciting these cliche arguments).

    surely you can bring the discussion to a dead end by putting the "sensibility" into infinite recursion, but that doesn't actually solve anything (and no, i'm not homophobic if that needs to be declared explicitly). i'm only saying what i think is right.
  • 11
    No money wtf, where do you work?
  • 4
    @veslav he spent all of his money on gadgets he dont really need..or strippers (both male and female equally)
  • 5
    @darthy but then he would get energy from playing games and he would have girls as well.
  • 0
    So accurate...
  • 9
    @cors i think the joke relates to the majority of the programmers community.

    I appreciate you trying to raise awareness about women programmers but making any joke 'politically correct' degrades the pun of the joke.

    I say as long as its not too offensive, let it fly.
  • 3
    Did you just assume my gender?
  • 1
    @veslav Two words: student loans.
  • 5
    @capnsoup Two words: The Netherlands.
  • 0
    @veslav Cool story bro.
  • 4
    Maybe instead of girls: "romantic interests" if we all want to be PC cuz you know it's 2016 and words hurt.
  • 5
    @turturtles are you gay or smth? Kappa.
  • 5
    @veslav far far from it. It was sarcasm at best. It's how we Marines work. Not the best example of sarcasm since I self-identify as an apache to tomahawk missile female German shepherd pansexual.
  • 13
    -1 for forgetting species we haven't discovered yet.
  • 4
    -1 for -1 of -1
  • 3
    @drRoss -1 for disregarding value of other unidentified sentient beings

    > "he just sits at the computer all day"
    > "is he even human"

    > *sniffle*
    > "I'm human too!"
    > *eyes water*
  • 12
    +1 for everyone for laughs and being awesome. As much as we appreciate the sentiment, most of us women can laugh at gender specific jokes too. I found it hilariously true. Don't over think stuff or it takes the fun and humor out of it. 🙃
  • 10
    -1 for ignoring Apache Helicopters
  • 8
    -1 for ignoring Apache servers
  • 2
    This made me laugh hard!
  • 2
    I'm taking the no girl bit as true. I've got no female friends!!
  • 1
    ...I mean, I'm a girl but...
  • 1
    @adorkable Are you a dork?
  • 2
    @kalpitjain i got a woman in my development team which is single.
    She says she's not single so people stop bugging her about it.
    But her secret is kept with me.

    And with the devrant community.
  • 1
    @kalpitjain I'm single, could be because everyone I work with is married :P
  • 0
    @veslav Yes I'm full of dorkness
  • 0
    @adorkable but as a dev you are also intelligent right?
  • 1
    @veslav Dork tends to mean you're goofy, odd, don't really care what others think.
    And I can be intelligent on rare occasions. There are stories and legends about it. ;)
  • 1
    @adorkable I learned if you are an intelligent dork it's called a nerd. :o
    But you seem like a nice and open person so that's more important.
  • 2
    Yeah a clarification about the differences between "dork", "nerd", and "geek" would be helpful. Even better, an API.
  • 2
    @bioDan I have actually done that years ago because I got irritated that people would be using them interchangeably. The dork, dweeb, geek, and nerd. Ill probably do a post on it later. But actually you can be a smart dork and not a nerd. Simple definition of nerd is an interested in more tangible items like books and boardgames, you might not be silly and goofy. Dork you don't need those interests and you just like being silly and goofy. You can be a dork and a nerd and a geek technically
  • 2
    @adorkable thanks for the clarifications :)
    I guess all 3 apply to me, or so i'd like to think
  • 1
    @adorkable You, I like you. :p
  • 0
    Fcknlol ahahahaha
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